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52 <br />Lincoln then explained the proposed and existing definition of open space in the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />Allison questioned the requirement on page 125 which states: "Estate lot subdivisions of fifteen (15) or <br />fewer lots may contain private road(s) provided the private road(s) can be justified as provided for in <br />Section IV-B-3-d-1 of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. Private road(s) may be justified in <br />estate lot subdivisions of more than ten (10) lots provided all lots are four (4) acres or larger." Benedict <br />stated that this section is to be deleted from the recommendation. <br />Lincoln noted that much of the proposed amendments is just wording changes for clarity and does not <br />change existing ordinance provisions. Benedict noted that on page 115 of the agenda packet, number 6, <br />which states: "Reduce the number of estate lots allowed on a private road; and" should be deleted from <br />staff recommendation. Lincoln continued that the abstract lists how the amendments affect the ordinance <br />provisions and that the Board does not have to vote on each change. <br />MOTION: Katz moved to approve the proposed amendments to Section II, Definitions, Section III- <br />D-3, Preliminary Plat Approval, and to Section IV-B-10, Flexible Development, of the <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations per the Planning Staffs recommendation with <br />the exception of #6 as noted above. Seconded by Woods. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />MOTION: Katz moved to approve the proposed amendments to Article 22, Definitions, of the <br />Orange County Zoning Ordinance and that the approval process should require approval <br />by the Planning Board. Seconded by Allison. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />AGENDA ITEM #11: PLANNING BOARD ITEMS <br />AGENDA ITEM #12: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br />a. Monthly Reports <br />AGENDA ITEM'#13: ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION: Woods moved to adjourn. Seconded by Katz. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />