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51 <br />an "estate" lot approach; a "conservation" approach; a "cluster" approach; <br />and a "village" or modified cluster approach. <br />• "Open space" in the zoning ordinance is defined with respect to calculating <br />land use intensity ratios for zoning applications and does not include a <br />definition that compliments required "open space" in a flexible development <br />subdivision. <br />Proposed: • Proposed amendments to the subdivision regulations will necessitate changes <br />to the definition of "flexible development" to eliminate the "conservation" and <br />"cluster" approaches for preserving open space and to include the <br />"conservation-cluster" approach. <br />• Proposed amendment will add a definition of "Open Space - (flexible <br />development)." <br />Development Process. Schedule and Action <br />• Public Hearing May 24, 1999: Draft minutes of the public hearing are attached <br />• First Action: Planning Board to consider Amendments <br />Option: 1. Action to recommend approval of the proposed amendments. <br />Option: 2. Action to recommend denial of the proposed amendments. <br />Option: 3. Action to recommend changes to the proposed amendments that is not significant in <br />nature. <br />Recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than <br />August 17, 1999. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Not applicable <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff Recommendation: Planning Board to recommend approval of the proposed <br />amendmenrts to Article 22, Definitions, of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />Benedict stated that these items were presented at public hearing a few months ago. He discussed the <br />different options of development (estate, conservation, cluster and village). He noted that the <br />amendments should help to clarify the placement of open space. He stated that an increased buffer along <br />the. roads is also suggested to help the rural character of the areas. He noted that the amendments will <br />also help clarify a lot of regulations and definitions for consistency. <br />Strayhorn expressed concern with allowing water and sewer into the setbacks. <br />Allison asked about the septic system being in the open space. Benedict responded that the system will <br />not be in the stream buffer but in the setback. Woods asked if this would endanger the neighbor's well. <br />Strayhorn stated that a well could not be put in within 100 feet of the septic system. <br />Barrows asked about underground utilities. Lincoln responded that there is nothing in the regulations that <br />require underground utilities. Benedict stated that the Board can make a recommendation to that effect. <br />Strayhorn noted that it is extremely expensive to maintain power lines with trees there. <br />