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47 <br />1 Mr. Benedict indicated that he would return in the fall with those recommendations. He <br />2 will research this issue and solicit input from the public and developers. Also, they will take <br />3 various properties and put them through the processes that they will be suggesting prior to <br />4 presenting them to the Board of County Commissioners. The soil suitability analysis and <br />5 minimum lot size will be carefully reviewed. They will hopefully return with standards that would <br />6 be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in such a way that developers would <br />7 actually use them. <br />8 <br />9 Commissioner Brown stated that if Flexible Development is implemented in such a way <br />10 that it achieves the goal of rural character and preservation of open space, she would want to <br />11 see it become the development option for the county. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Gordon referred to Section F, Evaluation Criteria and asked how it would be <br />14 decided which goal would be pursued. For example, under forestland in Natural Areas, the goal <br />15 is to preserve forestland and within farmland conservation the goal is to preserve farmland. <br />16 She pointed out that with forestland preservation the development would be in the open space. <br />17 However, in farmland preservation, the development would be in the forest area. The question <br />18 is, does the staff complete an analysis and then steer the developer? <br />19 <br />20 Mr. Benedict stated that Dave Stancil's area is developing maps will be used by the <br />21 planning staff to identify conservation areas. For example, developers will be made aware of <br />22 where wildlife conservation corridors, etc., are located. When developers initially approach the <br />23 Planning Department, they will be made aware of all areas of importance which will need to be <br />24 given consideration. To date, a prioritization for environmentally sensitive areas has been <br />25 developed. What they have not yet developed is a comparison between the areas and a <br />26 ranking of what is more important. That comparison will guide the decision when there are <br />27 conflicting areas to be preserved. That ranking system will include items such as "how rare is <br />28 the resource in the county, is it in the path of development, and what is the integrity of the <br />29 resource" <br />30 <br />31 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to <br />32 refer the proposed amendments to Article 22, Definitions, of the Orange County Zoning <br />33 Ordinance and to Section IV-B-10, Flexible Development, of the Orange County Subdivision <br />34 Regulations to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of County <br />35 Commissioners no sooner than August 17, 1999. <br />36 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />37 <br />38 ADJOURNMENT: <br />39 A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs, to <br />40 adjourn the meeting. The next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held on <br />41 May 27,1999 in the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom, Old Court House, Hillsborough, North <br />42 .Carolina. <br />43 <br />~ Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />45 Kathy Baker, Deputy Clerk <br />46 <br />