Orange County NC Website
38 <br />2. Orange County proposes amendments to the Orange County Zoning Ordinance to revise the <br />time constraints in Article 2 (The Board of County Commissioners and its Administrative <br />Mechanisms), Article 3 (Establishment of ,Zoning Districts and Atlas), Article 6.29.3 <br />(Development Standards for Economic Development Districts), Article 8 (Special Uses), and <br />Article 20 (Amendments). Proposed amendments will: <br />• Provide adequate time for staff to receive complete development review from all applicable <br />agencies prior to completing reports to boards; <br />• Provide adequate time for board review of projects; and <br />• Delete provision that allows approval of applications that do not meet ordinance regulations <br />if processing time cannot be met. <br />ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br />1. Orange County proposes amendments to the Orange County Subdivision Regulations to <br />revise the time constraints in Section III (Application and Approval Procedures), Section IV-B-7 <br />(Sites for Public Use), and Section VII-D-4 (Action Subsequent to the Date of Public Hearing). <br />Proposed amendments will: - <br />• Provide adequate time for staff to receive complete development review from all applicable <br />agencies prior to completing reports to boards; <br />• Provide adequate time for board review of projects; and <br />• Delete provision that allows approval of applications that do not meet ordinance regulations <br />if processing time cannot be met. <br />• Revise process for appeal of staff decisions concerning subdivision classification (minor vs <br />major) and approval of minor subdivisions. <br />2. Orange County Planning Board and planning staff propose amendments to the Orange <br />County Subdivision Regulations Section IV-B-10 Flexible Development: a. to amend D-1 <br />Estate Lot Option to 1. reduce minimum lot size from 4.0 acres to 3.0 acres with average lot <br />size of 3.5 acres; 2. provide a 150 ft. buffer along state maintained roads adjacent to <br />subdivision boundaries; 3. restrict lot access to internal subdivision roads; and b. to amend <br />D.3 Cluster Option to clarify that any transfer of density within a cluster development will not <br />result in a greater density within any specific zoning district than the average density allowed <br />by zoning restrictions within that specific district including overlay districts (eg. flexible <br />development proposals spanning the critical area (CA) and the balance (PV11) of a protected <br />watershed cannot shift density from a higher density zoning (PVV) to a lower density zoning <br />(CA)). <br />All interested citizens are invited to attend this hearing and be heard: Public comment will be <br />received during the public hearing. Following the close of the public hearing, only evidence <br />received in writing by the date of the Planning Board meeting following the public hearing will be <br />considered by the Board of Commissioners for decision. <br />Changes may be made in the advertised proposals which reflect debate, objections and <br />discussion at the hearing. <br />Questions regarding the proposals may be directed to the Orange County Planning Department <br />located in the Planning and Agricultural Center, 306E Revere Road, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />g:Uclincoln~0899phad.doc18-4-99Uct <br />