<br />North Carolina State Building Code
<br />Administration & Enforcement
<br />Volume 1-A
<br />$ ~,53A353. Joint inspection department; otherarrangements.
<br />A county may enter unto and carry out co~atzacts with one or nrtore other
<br />couzaties or cities trader which the parties agree to create and support a jaunt
<br />i~aspectaon department for enforcing those State .aztd local laws and local
<br />ozdinan,ces and regulations specified in the agxee~eztt. The governing bod-
<br />ies of the contracting units mnay make any necessary appropriations for this
<br />purpose. .
<br />In lieu of a joint iuaspection department, a county may designate an inspec-
<br />for from axxother county or firom a city to serve as a member of the county
<br />inspection department, with the approval of the governing body of the other
<br />county or city`vr may contract with azt~.individual who is not a city or coun-
<br />ty employee but who holds one of the applicable certificates as provided in
<br />G.S. 153,A,-351. t or G.S. 150,A,-411,1. The inspector, if designated fronn~
<br />another county or city raider this section, while exercising the duties of the
<br />posi[iozt, is a county employee. The county shall have the same potential
<br />liability, if any, for inspections conducted by an individual who is not an
<br />employee of the county as it does for an individual who is an employee of.
<br />the county. The individual with whotat •the county contracts shall have
<br />errors and omussiatxs and other insuzance coverage acceptable to the coun-
<br />ty. (1937, c. 57; 1941, c..105; 1947, c. 719; 1951, c. 651; 1959, c. 940;
<br />1963, c. 639; 1965, c. 371; 1967, c. 495, s. 1; 1969, c. 918; c. 1010, s. 4; c.
<br />1064, ss. 1, 5; c. 1056, s. 1; 1973, c. $22, s. 1; 1993, c. 232, s. 1.)
<br />~ 153A-354. Fimsuucial support.
<br />A county may appropriate any available funds for the support of its
<br />inspection department. It may provide for paying inspectors fixed salaries,
<br />or it may reimburse them for their services by paying over part oz all of any
<br />fees collected. It may fix reasonable fees for issuing permits, for inspec-
<br />tions, and for other services of the inspection. department. (1937, c. 57;
<br />1941, c. 105; 1947, c. ?19; 1951, c. 65I; 1953, c. 984; 1955, cc. I44, 942,
<br />1171; 1957, cc. 415, 456, 1286, 1294; 1959, cc. 399, 940, 1031; 1961, cc.
<br />763, 884, 1036; 1963, cc. 639, 868; 1965, cc. 243. 371, 453, 494, 846;
<br />1967, cc. 45, 73, 113; c. 495, ss. 1, 3; 1969, cc. 67S, 918; c. 1003, s. ?; c.
<br />1010, s. 4; c. 1064, ss. 1, 4, 5; c. 1066, s. 1; 1973, c. 822, s. 1.)
<br />• ~ ~ 153A-355. Co~lacts of interest,
<br />Uniless he is the owner of the building, no member of an inspection
<br />department or other individual contracting with a county to conduct inspec-
<br />tions shall be financially interested or employed by a business that is finan-
<br />ciaAy interested in furnishing labor, material, or appliances for the con-
<br />struction, alteration, or maintenance of azty building within the county's ter-
<br />xitorial jurisdiction or any part or system thereof, or in making plans or
<br />specifications therefor. No member of any inspection department or other
<br />134 NC Administration 8- Enforcement ~ 1996
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