Orange County NC Website
14 <br />TO: Orange County Board of Commissioners and Planning Board <br />DATE: September 7, 1999 <br />PAGE: Five <br />SPECIFIC ZONING REQUIREMENTS <br />The AS rezoning proposal has been initiated by the owner to: <br />• Accommodate the establishment of an agricultural service business permitted by the <br />Zoning Ordinance; and <br />• Implement the Land Use Element of the adopted Comprehensive Plan which designates <br />the property as Agricultural-Residential. <br />The property is zoned AR. This category pertains to rural prevailing activities (agriculture, forestry) <br />related to the land in an appropriate location for the continuation of these uses. The proposed <br />rezoning to AS, therefore, would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. For development of <br />the subject property, Upper Eno Watershed, AS, and MTC requirements would apply: <br />• The width of the lot shall be a minimum of 200 feet. <br />• The front building setback must be a minimum of 50 feet; <br />• Side and rear building setbacks must be a minimum of 20 feet; <br />• 75- to 100-foot Land Use Buffers adjacent to residential uses are required, depending upon <br />the use proposed; and <br />• Maximum impervious surface shall be no more than 6 percent, including all structural <br />"footprints," paved and graveled driveways, aprons, and all compacted outside storage <br />areas. <br />• Stipulations set forth in Section 4.2.31 Major Trans2ortation Corridor (MTC) District of the <br />Zoning Ordinance must be met when AS development of the property occurs. <br />DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, SCHEDULE, AND ACTION <br />Public Hearing <br />• No decision is made at this stage. <br />• Upon the recommendation of the Administration, the zoning atlas amendment request is <br />referred to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of County <br />Commissioners no earlier than September 21, 1999. <br />