Orange County NC Website
<br />for the members of THE SQUAD providing services under this Agreement s <br />I_ To establish trazning and cauxtnuiag education refits an a scl~eduie <br />seL by t3>c Medical Directoz which will assure ad~gvate oPF~~rY ~ maiateoawce of <br />personnel cetiti$catiaax. <br />III. INSURANCE <br />A- TT~E SQUAD w~l be respo~ns~ble for the neglige~tcae of its employees earl <br />agetsa. Fta~ther, THE CQUNTY shall define the amount and levels of iasus'a~ce which <br />TTY SQEJAJ~ sl~ll mmasain far the activities performed ptusuaai to Ibis A~eemcnt as <br />well as the buildings and equlpmeat used to provide services under Ibis Agreement. It <br />sleek be ~ T1~E CUUNTY'S option to either provide the coverage thr~atigb a Ply <br />purchased by TIC CAtJN1'Y err do reimixtsse THE SQUAD far iasermaoc policies <br />bY' - ~y po3icies of iz~ranoe piar~ed direcxly by THE SQUAD shall <br />~ ~ygh ~ ;"~„""M company erxeptabia w THE ~C,C3UNTY. <br />IV. 'I'F.RM <br />A. 'This agi~eett~t shall nus f~ Juty Y, 194$ thr+oL~h Jm:e 30,1999, and <br />shall be t+enewablc ter upon wxitten agxeetae~ exet;uted by bath parties. <br />v. ~~~x~orr <br />A. The A or its renewal may be teanit u any time witbant <br />p~t7- by ' i~ ~vided that ovritten notice of each ration is i~ished m the <br />other partp at lest 6o dsys prior to termmntion. In the evamt of such tCrminanaa any <br />psymmt doe be pviated co the date of termination. <br />~, MiITTJAL tTNDI~R.gTAlwlll<N~ <br />A. T~ SQUAD and THE COi3NTY'uadecstafld and agree that trathiag in <br />this agreement sbaU be construed m caeate an exclusive aanngement betwxn des parties, <br />and THE CQUN'IY is free to provide services by ether means. <br />VH. EIwTIftE ITNDF.R~~+TANDING <br />A. T'he Agreement cxmta~s the entire ~mderstatuliag of the parties and sbaU <br />nQt be altQred, amended. a: modified, except by ea ~ is writing executed by for <br />4 <br />