Orange County NC Website
08/18/1999 10:55 9199677517 <br />ORANGE CO aPS <br />3 <br />ANIMAL PR4TECTiON SOCIETY OF C7RANGE COUNTY <br />9 OB'i AIRPORT ROAD CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLENA 2751 4 <br />'TELEPHONE 919-987-73E33 -FAX 9'19-967-75'1 7 <br />John Link, Manager <br />Orange County <br />PO Hox $1$1 <br />Hillsborough, NC <br />Dear Mr. Link: <br />In Fiscal Year 1898, the first full year of operation of our spaylneuter <br />clinic at the Felicite Latane Animal Sanctuary, we were able to reduce the <br />numbers of domestic animals coming into the shelter by 7°iPo,. Although the <br />Clinic is still running in the r®d, we expect to decrease the number of <br />animals by another 1t1'!~ this year. Thb type of reduction in numbers of <br />unwanted animals means Isss suffeMng for the animals and a better <br />managed animal control program generally. We can do this-and we are <br />asking for your support for part of our plan that calls for an increase in <br />adoption and board fees. <br />In order to continue to reduce the numbers of animals reaching the <br />Shelter during a period of great human development In Orange County, <br />APS needs to 1) decrease the numbers of animals euthaniaed, Z~ Increase <br />the numbers of animals adopted, Z~ increase the numbers of animals <br />reclaimed by their owners. To do this, we propose greater outreach for <br />!ow-cost spay/neuter in Orango County, greater media coverage of the <br />overpopulation problem, greater adoptions numbers, and Brea#er <br />reclamation rates. <br />The next step of our plan addresses owner talclamation--to be able to <br />return lost animals to their ownors. The most definitive technology to aid <br />us to reach this goal is the microchip. Tha APS proposes an increase in <br />adoption fees for dogs and cats that will allow the APS to place a <br />microchip in every animal during the adoption process. <br />While we get wonderful stray anima#s ire the Shelter, only about 17°~ <br />ever find their way home because most pets do not have identifrcation. A <br />microchip is a small. grain-like capsule with a unique number inside that <br />can be scanned and traced back to the owner. The microchip will allow <br />us to trace any animal that has been adopted from ua. So rather than <br />euthaniting an animal, we can get it back to its owner. THlS CAN ST9P <br />