Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Jon Qllmoro has attended one 6-hour Basic Animal inves#igatlon Woricshap <br />and the 3-day Equine Investigation Workshop in RaNeigh, co-sponsored by <br />the APS, Humane Society of the Unl~d $tatos, NC8U Equine Program, and <br />the CH Equine Veterinary Clinic. Jon has been aupervising our <br />investigation program Chia last year, and has done a superb job. <br />.ton i$ a graduate of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and has <br />completed a Masters In Teaching at the University of Vermont. He has <br />experience as a social case worker and juvenile counsellor, including 400 <br />hours of continuing education;n counasiiing. This experience has proven <br />quite valuable in tlto field. He also has a year's experience as an animal <br />control officer . He is certified in chemical imrnobiiization and euthanasia. <br />He attended athree-day workshop on Urban--Wildlifie Managenrent," and a <br />workshop on Animal Disaster Management <br />Thank you for your help. APS be!'tw+ros that having i0-~- County-appointed <br />animal imrestlgatara has greatly aided bosh APS operations and Orange <br />County Animal Control. John Sauls, Director of Orange County Animal <br />Control supports these nominations. <br />Sin ly, <br />f <br />t Sanford <br />Executive Dir <br />