Orange County NC Website
Commission for the Environment <br />Resolution <br />WHEREAS, Orange County should attempt to reduce emissions of air contaminants from its fleet of vehicles, and <br />WHEREAS, there are a variety of alternative technical approaches available to reduce fleet emissions, which must <br />be evaluated specifically for the Orange County fleet of vehicles, and <br />WHEREAS, development of an effective plan for reducing vehicle emissions requires participation by a number of <br />agencies and departments within the County, as well as interested non - governmental organizations such as the <br />current Electric Vehicle and Solar Energy Planning Group ( EVASEP), and <br />WHEREAS, the development of such a plan is consistent with the creation of an Ozone Air Quality Action Plan, <br />which the Board agreed to in February, 1999, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has recently received a request from a representative of <br />EVASEP to explore alternative- fueled vehicles; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />that the Commission for the Environment recommends that the Orange County Board of Commissioners request <br />that the County Manager develop a plan for reducing emissions of air contaminants from the County's motor <br />vehicle fleet. The Commission for the Environment recommends that the plan include an evaluation of the use of <br />alternative fuel vehicles (such as electric buses and solar vehicles), improved fleet maintenance, and other <br />proactive or reactive actions that might impact fleet emissions. The Commission for the Environment further <br />recommends that the County examine the feasibility of submitting a Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Grant <br />during the next application period. <br />This, the 9'h day of August, 1999. <br />Loraine Kohorn, Chair <br />WITNESS: Carol Crawford, CFE Assistant <br />