Orange County NC Website
SEP-27-1999 •14 24 JOYCE ENGINEERING INC. 1 336 323 0093 P.02/04 <br />StC~e of North Carolina <br />• Department of Environment, <br />Hevlth and Natural Resources ~ ` • ~ <br />Division of Environmentol Monogement <br />James 8. Hunt, Jr., GovgrnOr ~~'~ <br />Jonathan B..Howes, Secretary Q ~ ~--~ <br />A. Preston Howord, Jr., P.E., DlreCtor <br />GROUNDWATER SECTION <br />October 6, I995 <br />Eavironmeatal Service Companies <br />and Consuhagts ~ • <br />Subject: Changes in Technical~Policy Concerning Slug Tests <br />This is to notify you of specific corrections and revisions that -tiere made zo t~s slag t.~t <br />policy statetnett! that oyes issued on Jute ~0, 1994. The June 3Q; 1994 statemer.L indicated that ~hz <br />Division of Environmental Mariagemeat (DEM) would only reimburse for slug tests perrorrnea iii <br />rt~Onitoring wills that were co~duettd with'the etrtire length of well screen aad sand pack within me <br />saturated zone. Based on further evaluation. of the published scientific: literature, the DEM has <br />arnendod-its policy to e1low for reunbursemcm of slug trsts~petformed in motitoring,wclls that ire <br />screened across the water teh[e, provided that these tests are imQlemeated and analyzed in accuz'dauce <br />with the peer-reviewed, published test. method utdized. <br />Bauwer and Rice (1976 and 29893 aad Hvorsicv (1951}ere the most con~ori test ntetlict3s <br />used for partially.penetrati:ig wells in uaconfiued aquifers .These aieciwds tray be used- Fur uotli <br />"slug-in" tens .(falling head tests) and "slug-out" tests (rising head, recovery or bait tcstsj in <br />monitoring weI1s where the weII screen .and sand pack are entirely below the water table . F~~r <br />monitoring wdls screened acrws the water table, tueso methods may only be used for slug-out <br />'tests. Slug-in tests are Dot appropriate,.. since Bart of the water added, would Clow out o#' the ael1 ir~to <br />the vadose zone resulting is ea ovErestimation of the hydraulic conductivity. Furthermore, it should <br />be noted that only the length ofwcll screen located is the saturated zone should be used tar~ttrta:-tc <br />hydraulic conductivity. Using the total screen-length would result in undares3mating this. pa:a.rctr <br />"!'ht June 30, 1994 poli_ry statement alsoindicst~d that hydraulic conductivity values ~: btairc-d <br />from sluff tests would not be allowable for use in groundwater. models. Hnwever, Sit~Cd Slug tests t~rc <br />generally considered an appropriate means of estimating the order of tnagnitudr of hvdrauIi <br />Conductivity, the.- DEM has revised its .policy to allow for the use of slug test data t~ .mode! <br />groundwater flow ai locations-where there :are ao potentially impacted .receptors- that -pose. a . risk to <br />human health and the ettvironmert and;wherc corrective actiau under NCAC 15.4 21_.DIOb(1:),(l)' o <br />(m) is ,proposed. Pumping-tests will still be required for locations where it is uecessazy ~o ~btair, tl;r <br />most accurate iydrogeologic data possible (e.g:, there. are potentially lmuacted receptors-that :raS- <br />pose arisk to human health or the emrironment, or for designing groundwater remediation ~•ste~*.:s <br />that involve the withdrawal of groundwater). <br />P.O. Box 29535. RdeiAh. North Camino 276260836 TelepF+ot-e 919-J33-70 t 5 FAX 914-733-3=S9b <br />~, Eavai OoportunNV atArmath~- Amon ~o~re+ 6~ recycled t Oz ~-cansurat ~~~ <br />