Orange County NC Website
Contact JEI if you would like to obtain the web address.). His statements were not made with the <br />benefit of existing data on the trace concentrations measured in monitoring wells at existing older <br />unlined landfills in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Any ability of an aquifer to dilute and disperse <br />these trace concentrations was not considered in his arguments. <br />Instead, Dr Kabala repeated tonnage figures from a Superfund site in Massachusetts where <br />concentrated arsenic-bearing industrial waste was dumped over a period of decades onto a floodplain <br />above a shallow water table. The arsenic traveled in an aquifer of glacial sediment, which lacks the <br />sorptive capabilities of the red clay soil typical of both sites under consideration. The next <br />morning's Raleigh News and Observer reported "pressured wood" as having been shown to mobilize <br />20 tons of arsenic from a landfill. Such confusion may not have been Dr. Kabala's intent, but his <br />remarks have further distorted the public's perception of the environmental risk associated with <br />landfills. <br />Response to Comments of Dr. Z.J. Kabala 5 Joyce Engineering, Inc <br />C&D Landfill Siting September 27, 1999 <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />