Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Proposal to Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />from School of Government, Donna Warner and Lydian Altman, October 18, <br />2008 <br />Date, Time Objectives of the Day Who's Involved <br />JANUARY 10 1. Finalize goals and objectives~~. Board of <br />Full Day 2. Prioritize for the immediate (FY 2009-10) and Commissioners <br />8:30 coffee longer term (3-5 years ). County <br /> 3. Develop specific strategies~~~. This list can Manager <br />9 am start be further refined by staff as they put forth Clerk <br /> budget proposals. Attorney <br />Lunch 4. Identify potential partners and others to Assistant <br /> work on pieces of plan. managers <br />4 pm adjourn 5. Discuss and decide next steps for priorities Department <br /> and planning process. heads <br />We will assign questions for reflection and advance work to prepare participants <br />for this discussion. <br />~~ We (subgroup) will need to decide timeframe. Considering key issues in next 20 <br />years makes sense but developing goals and strategies for that long- may be too far out <br />there, I believe. <br />~~~ Primary decision-makers; others can help inform and offer input, or listen and <br />learn. <br />~~ Date and time to be determined. <br />All participants will be involved in this discussion. We can decide on-site <br />whether anyone other than Board can `vote' on priorities. <br />vi Using work from last year's retreat and the timeline of key issues, we will review, <br />reaffirm, finalize, and adopt goals. Recognizing that lots of work went into the large <br />number of strategies generated during last year, this should inform participants about <br />previous thinking; however, not all these items belong on a 'To Do' list or may make <br />sense given key issues. discussion, and changes in political make-up of board. The <br />number of final strategies needs to be a more manageable number. <br />2 <br />