Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Public Works <br />Fuel for the Town of Hillsborough vehicles and equipment based on a 1995 <br />agreement between the Town and County. The fuel station cost $247,121 and <br />the Town of Hillsborough contributed $54,425, in return the county would <br />provide fuel to the town and bill them monthly for fuel cost only. <br />The Town of Hillsborough residents use the Solid Waste Convenience Centers. <br />Revenue <br />County collects all municipal property taxes under a 1980 contract (CH & <br />Carrboro are parties to same agreement). Collection cost is apportioned out to <br />Towns based on their share of the taxes collected and number of tax bills <br />collected on behalf of each jurisdiction. For 1997/98, Hillsborough paid about <br />$9,200 for tax collection (real, personal, and vehicles). It seems realistic that it <br />would cost the Town several times that amount if they handled this service <br />themselves, but we have not studied that issue as all parties seem satisfied with <br />the cooperative approach. By law, the County must collect motor vehicle taxes <br />for the Towns, and can charge up to 1.5% of total vehicle taxes collected. We <br />don't charge on this basis at this time - we have continued to charge for motor <br />vehicle tax collection on the same formulaic basis, under the 1980 agreement (this <br />works to the Town's advantage). <br />Tax Assessor <br />By law, the Assessor's office provides the municipalities with parcel values. <br />County is not required to bill real/personal property taxes on behalf of the Towns <br />(as noted, we must bill and collect motor vehicle taxes), but we have chosen to <br />do so for years since County must bill County taxes anyway. County is not <br />compensated by Towns for this service. We have not studied how much it might <br />cost Hillsborough to do its own tax billing; however it would be a significant <br />expenditure. <br />Planning <br />The county performs all building and inspections permits for Hillsborough which <br />represents about 5% of all of our permit activity. <br />