Orange County NC Website
13 <br />From statements offered by John in our conversation on Apn719~', the indication is that <br />Putting together a joint planning agreement would take some time and perhaps several <br />meetings. It is my personal opinion that legislative action descn'bed above. will be <br />counterproductive to the successful initiation and successful delivery of a joint planning <br />. agreement that both Orange County and the City of Mebane can be proud of and feel <br />good about.. Your points were well made and understood concerning the problems faced <br />by any county when an adjoining city took action contrary to the county. Comprehensive <br />Land Plan.. we respect your position we sincerely ask that you respect our position, <br />and that you consider the potential adverse effects should. the above legislative action <br />become law as we move Orange County and the City of Mebane into a more harmonious <br />relationship. ~ . <br />I thank you for the two most recent meetings we have enjoyed together. I trust we will <br />ffiove very quickly to expand our conversations to inchide the matters of this letter. <br />Thank you for your courtesies as you presented your thoughts. we look: forward to your <br />.early response. <br />`Cordially, <br />f <br />Glendel Stephenson <br />Mayor <br />Cc: Administration and Council <br />-City of Mebane <br />Senator Ellie Kinnaird <br />