Orange County NC Website
~2e <br />~~ <br />2. Transition Area can be extended if one of two scenarios occur: <br />A. Town accepts land use plan of county until town develops a land use plan <br />B. Town has developed a land use plan within the Transition Area with public <br />hearing process to permit input from the county and affected <br />citizens/businesses. <br />3. Voluntary Annexations <br />A. Within ETJ - Zoning that is in effect or requested to be consistent with the <br />land use plan. <br />B. Outside ETJ -Zoning must be consistent with land use plan of county for a <br />period of two years at which time a land use plan developed through a joint <br />planning agreement wold go into effect for the area between the town limits <br />and an area 1000' around the voluntary annexation. <br />4. Involuntary Annexations <br />Must be within ETJ and in accordance with an agreed upon joint land use plan. <br />5. State Legislative Action <br />Additional rules would be promulgated concerning annexation that would be <br />directed to promote orderly and consistent growth patterns with that of the county. <br />6. Town boundary is temporarily fixed. <br />Let's continue our discussions and come to a resolution about joint planning so we can <br />notify interested parties of our jointly shared goals and the direction to achieve said goals. <br />The State Legislature may assist us in come manner. <br />We welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues and begin a process that will <br />augment communication and bolster cooperation. We are anxious to meet, so please <br />contact our offices for a meeting at your earliest convenience. <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />Sincerely, <br />Alice Gordon, Chair Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />John M. Link, Jr., Orange County Manager <br />Annex.doc <br />