Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-30-1999
Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 3
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Minutes - 19990930
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Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />February 11, 1999 <br />Page 21 <br />3. Should the Board enter into an agreement unilaterally that would limit OWASA and not <br />put the same limits on potential competitors ?; <br />4. Sizing of the lines into Interest areas; <br />S. Two and one -half (2 -1/2) years notice to withdraw from the agreement. (This <br />requirement has been dropped from the current draft and only requires a one -year <br />notice before withdrawing from the agreement.); <br />6. The impact that would result from the withdrawal of any of the elected bodies from the <br />Joint Planning Agreement would dissolve that agreement as Well as the Water and <br />Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement; <br />7. Emergency water transfers vs. nonemergency water transfers particularly at the <br />wholesale level; , <br />& Does the approval of the three governments required for extension of lines into another <br />Jurisdiction apply to the two lines that are solely for the purpose of bringing water into <br />the established OWASA primary service area?; <br />9. OWASA's long -term interest area should be recognized by the Town of 13iIIsborough; . <br />10. sines into another jurisdiction outside Orange County that does not necessarily have <br />anything to do with water transfers; <br />11. Whether or not permission is needed to provide retail services outside Orange County; <br />12. Prohibiting construction of a raw water main from Jordan Lake without approval by all <br />three bodies. <br />William Strom said that the next Water and Sewer Boundary Committee meeting is <br />scheduled for March 4, 1999. Mr. Strom requested that the OWASA representatives on the Task <br />Force bring back a list of unresolved issues from the Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement with the <br />exception of whether or not to include essential public facilities on the rescue lines. WIlHam Strom <br />also requested that the discussion be continued by the OWASA Board of Directors. <br />Dan VanderMeer requested that Ed Kerwin arrange to have the Board polled to make sure <br />there will be a quorum at the February 25,1999 Board of Directors Meeting. <br />_TTEM TWENTY -O CLOSED SESSION <br />Peter Gordon made a motion that the Board go into Closed Session for the purpose of <br />discussing property acquisition. It was seconded by Alan Rimer, and carried by unanimous vote. <br />See Motion No. 10. <br />There being no further business to properly come before the Board, the meeting was <br />adjourned at 10:15 P.M. <br />Respectfully, <br />Joni Gilgor <br />Clerk to the Board <br />Encs. <br />NOTE: Audiotapes and videotapes are available at OWASA for listening and/or viewing. <br />/0,33 <br />
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