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y <br />Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />February 11, 1999 <br />Page 19 <br />Towns annex land and OWASA serving that annexation. Regarding whether OWASA should Have <br />the authority to acquire retail customers in Chatham County, that is power that OWASA does not <br />need. Dr. Gordon said it is politically wrong for customers not to have a say on appointments to the <br />OWASA Board of Directors when the Board is not in a position to reconstitute how members are <br />appointed. <br />Patrick Davis said It is Important to point out that the comments the Board made relative to <br />the retail service provision particularly in Chatham. County dearly stated there is no intention on <br />OWASA's part to unilaterally make a decision: Mr. Davis said the Board's concerns have been <br />related to annexation and orderly growth and development of the two municipalities with whom <br />OWASA has Sale and Purchase Agreements. <br />Susannah Holloway said that as Robert Epting pointed out In his January 25,1999 letter, the <br />annexation issue would not help the problem with The University of North Carolina at Chapel En <br />(The University). The University is a party to the Sale and Purchase Agreements and yet they are <br />not part of the boundary agreement. Ms. Holloway said The University's rights might be affected by <br />the boundary agreement. Susannah Holloway asked if there was a way to have The University <br />represented in the boundary 'agreement. <br />Peter Gordon said he would be concerned If the Sale and Purchase Agreements with The <br />University could be construed to say that if The University decided to build a campus In Chatham <br />County that OWASA would have to serve them. <br />Robert Epting said there isn't any question that the Sale and Purchase Agreements with The <br />University says exactly that. Mr. Epting said the obligation of OWASA is to serve the orderly growth <br />and development of the Town of Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill, and The University. Robert Epting <br />said that if The University expanded to Chatham County they would first look to Chatham County <br />for their water. There isn't any reasonable Likelihood that The University would locate In Chatham <br />County where OWASA water would be cheaper than Chatham County's water or more desirable to <br />The University than Chatham County's water. Mr. Epting said OWASA would have to request <br />Chatham County for the right to acquire easements and Chatham County now has the right to <br />disapprove and could prevent OWASA from serving The University should they expand to Chatham <br />County. Robert Epting said, for practical purposes, It is remote given that OWASA does not have a <br />way to lay Its pipe in the ground In Chatham County without the permission of the Chatham County <br />Board of Commissioners and why-would they give permission when they could be selling water to <br />The University themselves. Mr. Epting said he did not intend to imply that The University's ability . <br />to require that OWASA provide Its service in Chatham County was a serious constraint in the Water <br />and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement. Robert Epting said he mentioned this <br />matter because he believed It is Important to understand that OWASA was formed for the purpose of <br />providing service to The University on the same terms and conditions as it was,providing service to <br />the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill and their growth and development was clearly <br />anticipated in 1977. <br />Patrick Davis said when the Sale and Purchase Agreements were entered Into with the Town <br />of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill, Franchise Agreements were also entered into and It was <br />agreed that the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill would not get into the water and <br />sewer business. There are provisions that say that as long as OWASA is able to provide service to <br />The University to accommodate growth and development then The University would rely on <br />OWASA, but in the event that OWASA was constrained then The University had the right to do any <br />and all things necessary to meet its growth requirements. <br />Dan VanderMeer said the next discussion item is the sizing of lines and whether or not the <br />agreement ought to address line sizing. <br />2- <br />(p, 3/ <br />