Orange County NC Website
I <br />9 <br />b. The site is dynamic, visually appealing, and engaging. For <br />example, there could be additional photographs that would reveal <br />the character of Orange County or a "crawl" whereby breaking news <br />or updated information might be highlighted. <br />c: The agendas of various County advisory boards are posted <br />prior to their scheduled meetings. <br />d. County departments get individual Web pages posted at a <br />reasonable pace <br />e. Other appropriate additions are made, including a Youth <br />Voices area <br />3. Process for. Improving the Web Site <br />.a Administration of the site's content should be shifted, at least <br />.- temporarily, from the Information, Systems (IS) Department to the <br />-Clerk's: Office,. with IS continuing to. provide technical support This <br />will free the IS staff to concentrate on more. pressing issues, such as. <br />continued office automation, database administration and Y2K issues. <br />b. Commissioners' reactions to the current Orange County. Web <br />site, and their, ideas.on what might be added, should be solicited. <br />This would help shape a direction for further efforts ,at improving <br />the site. <br />c. Subsequent to consultation with the BOCC, the staff should <br />develop and implement a systematic plan to improve the information <br />provided on the Web site. <br />E. INTRANET <br />1, Board Access <br />The BOCC. should have complete access. to the County's intranet, .. <br />as well as have a site on the intranet .that serves the Board. <br />2. Imoroved Provision of Information <br />The staff should develop and implement a plan for augmenting <br />the information included on the intranet. Some additions. to consider <br />include the following. <br />a. The Manager could develop and implement a plan to post, <br />appropriate lists of pending items, such as those that are periodically <br />distributed to the Board as part of a Manager's Memo. The intranet <br />could also be used for the posting of summaries that project age. nda <br />topics for an upcoming month. <br />