Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-30-1999
Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 1
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Last modified
4/22/2013 10:57:20 AM
Creation date
10/23/2008 12:19:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990930
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ATTACHMENT <br />(For SC 99 -123 / Hillsborough Assemblage) <br />Adequate horizontal and vertical sight distances should be reserved at all proposed entrances. <br />Foliage that interferes with sight distance should be cut back to protect lines of sight. The <br />District Engineer should determine if all drainage facilities are adequate. Curb cuts and curb <br />ramps should be constructed in conformance with the Guidelines for Curb Cuts and Curb <br />Ramps for Handicapped Persons, if applicable. <br />The developer may be required to obtain an approved encroachment agreement covering <br />proposed work within the state right -of -way. If this is the case, the encroachment should be <br />cross referenced to this review. <br />All street and driveway entrances onto state system roadways should be controlled with <br />appropriate traffic control devices, including but not limited to, stop, yield, directional, regulatory, <br />and advisory signs and pavement markings. All traffic control devices shall conform to the <br />requirements set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Final pavement <br />marking and signing plans should be submitted to the Division Traffic Engineer for approval prior <br />to the installation of any signs and /or pavement markings. <br />A recommended width of 40 foot (face to face) should be used at each drive. It is also <br />recommended that 30 foot (minimum) radii be used at each drive to accommodate any service <br />or truck traffic that may visit the site. <br />If the developer anticipates adding or petitioning for addition to the State System, all <br />roads /streets should be designed and constructed in conformance with the current North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation design and construction guidelines. <br />All "outparcels" or "excluded areas" should be served internally with no additional access onto <br />abutting roadways. The developer should convey this condition in any lease or sell agreements. <br />As required by the "Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways" manual <br />the applicant is responsible for identifying all right -of -way and /or control -of- access limits and for <br />including this information on all submittals. Failure to accurately disclose R/W and C/A limits <br />could result in the denial or closure of access points. <br />Adequate Right -Of -Way for widening and Sight Distance triangles should be reserved. <br />Consideration should be given to the possible future need for signalization and the associated <br />span poles, controller and pad, and guy wires. <br />Where possible opposite side drives should be aligned to prevent the operational and safety <br />problems caused by offset drives. <br />Any additional development, either within this site or adjacent to this site, that intends on using <br />this development's access will require an updated driveway permit and re- evaluation of <br />geometric and traffic control needs. <br />
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