Orange County NC Website
SIC <br />f�T /US.Hg�a4tray Mt. <br />Eca�a�r� G�+�k��anx��Ocsti�xf <br />'AmenoW 10 -a -94 <br />IS <br />county, is also shown on the USGS quadrangle map of the <br />area. The forest, identified in the Inventory of Natural Areas <br />and Wildlife Habitats as Site *Eo7, is located an the west side <br />of Old N.C.86 where it intersects with Cates Creek. Rather <br />than eliminating such features from design consideration, they <br />should be recognized and used as a focal point for the <br />development. Criteria for this purpose are discussed in <br />section 32 - Landscape Design. <br />1- 8$IU.S. Highway 70 District <br />The I- es /U.S. Highway 70 Economic Development District <br />extends almost two miles along either side of I -s s and is <br />located in the Lower Eno River Watershed. Like the <br />I- es /Buckhorn Road District, land uses are subject to <br />watershed protection standards governing impervious surface <br />and the control of storrnwater.Impervious surface limits and <br />standards for detention basin construction and maintenance <br />are discussed further in section 2.3 - Land Use Intensity and <br />Appendix C - Wet Detention Basin Standards, respectively. <br />This District is distinguished by many existing uses, ranging <br />from single - family and mobile home park developments to <br />small -scale service and commercial operations. Although <br />existing development is scattered and vacant land is <br />available, in -fill development will characterize new growth in <br />the area. Acreage in the schematic plan is distributed among <br />the three principal land use categories as follows: <br />Primary Development Area 297 Acres <br />Secondary Development Area 100 Acres <br />Open Space Area 1 ss Acres <br />Rights- of-Way so Acres <br />Rhodes Creek is the major drainageway in the District, flowing <br />in a northerly direction to the Eno River. Its floodpfain is <br />extensive in places and could limit development in some <br />locations. In addition, steeper slopes adjacent to Rhodes <br />Creek and its tributaries could be somewhat restrictive for <br />development. Overall, though, the gently rolling topography of <br />the District poses no problems. <br />Access to all sites is generally available from U.S. Highway 70, <br />but steep slopes adjacent to some portions of the roadway <br />Eca ?arrik Devekpwrnent Districts Desi7n /►4&wjd PVe 2.1.9 <br />