Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-30-1999
Agenda - 09-30-1999 - 1
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Last modified
4/22/2013 10:57:20 AM
Creation date
10/23/2008 12:19:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990930
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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r <br />on either side. Old N.C.Highway 86 is recommended as a <br />bicycle route in the Regional Bicycle Plan for Durham and <br />Orange Counties, and the provision of bike lanes through the <br />Economic Development District would provide opportunities <br />for recreation as well as travel to work. To accommodate <br />these improvements, the right- of-way for Old N.C.Highway <br />86 would have to be widened from 6o feet to 100 feet. <br />11- 85N.S.Highway 70 District: In the 1- 85 /U.S.Highway 70 <br />area, U.S. Highway 70 has been classified as an arterial road, <br />and Old N.C.Highway 1 o, Mount Herman Church Road, <br />Pleasant Green Road, and N.C. Highway 751 as collector <br />roads. Specific deficiency analysis data is not available in the <br />Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrboro (DCHC) Thoroughfare Plan <br />other than to note that U.S.Highway 70 will be over capacity <br />by the year 2000. <br />As noted in section 2.1, Development Areas, Mount Herman <br />Church Road is being realigned as part of the 1-85 widening. A <br />24 -10ot pavement in a 60 -foot right- of-way is proposed. <br />However, as was the case with Old N.C. Highway 86, Mount <br />Herman Church Road has been recommended as a bicycle <br />route in the Regional Bicycle Plan for Durham and Orange <br />Counties. The addition of four feet to each side, resulting in a <br />32 400t pavement, will assure that bike lanes are provided as <br />part of the improvements. <br />The same condition exists with Old N.C. Highway 10 and <br />9 Y <br />Pleasant Green Road. Both roads have 20 -foot pavements in <br />6o -foot rights -af -way, and both roads are part of the bicycle <br />system recommended in the Regional Bicycle Plan: The <br />preferred cross - section for these roads is a 24 -foot roadway <br />with a four -foot bike lane on each side. <br />19 As part of the 1 -85 widening project, improvements will be <br />made to U.S. Highway 70 at the interchange; e.g., expansion <br />to a four -lane divided facility, including two 12 -foot travel <br />lanes in either direction. Given the deficiency noted for U.S. <br />Highway 70 by the year 2000 and the proposed Eno Drive <br />extension, the preferred cross - section for that road is an <br />extension of the four -lane divided facility. <br />Econornâșic DevekpmntDistricts Deson M&vja( Pape 3J. rl <br />
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