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E S` <br />4• <br />G 16 1999 <br />N. C. DEPT. Of TR0,,SFORTATION <br />DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS' 7th DIV <br />DISTRICT I : C"nHAM �, .._... <br />1- 40/01d N.C.Highway as District ;w Other than 1-40, only <br />one road has been included an the Orange County and <br />H hborough Thoroughfare Plans - Old N.C.Highway 86. <br />Classified as an arterial street, Old N.C.Highway s6 is <br />currently capable of handing 10,000 vehicles per day and had <br />an average daisy traffic volume of 8,300 vehicles per day in <br />1986. By the year 2005, traffic on the road is expected to <br />reach 19,600 vehicles per day. <br />With traffic volumes expected to exceed the capacity of the <br />road, the Hillsborough Thoroughfare Plan calls for the widening <br />of Old N.C.Highway s6. The proposed cross section for <br />widening is a.four -lane facility, with sidewalks and two travel <br />tans in either direction, plus a center turn lane. To accampfish <br />the widening, the right - of-way would also have to be <br />expanded from 60 feet to so feet. <br />100' ROW <br />Travel lanes. Travel lanes <br />t s' 12' <br />1 1 <br />-s' Sidewalk -4s' Sidewalk <br />4' Bike lane I 2W Landscape Mediae 4' Bike lane <br />Pr�oasrdl�acP�lxir crassseefAOVllfar- <br />O.ddncc. kgo Rather than utilize the five -lame facility proposed in the <br />HMsbcrough Thoroughfare Plan, a different crass section is <br />'Amerx><� 1- 17 -St3 - desired. To provide an attractive entranceway into <br />Hi bborough and to prevent the strip commercialicross-traffic <br />turning movements associated With Churton Street, the crass <br />Section would be changed to provide a landscape median <br />instead of a center turn lane. Turn lanes would only be available <br />at designated access points. These points were identified on <br />the schematic plans presented in section 2. 1, Development <br />Areas. <br />In addition to the landscape median, the outside lane would be <br />widened from 12 feet to 16 feet to accommodate bike lanes <br />Etarr m c Deveftrwnt &rftts Desirt MarxW Pape 3.3. 10 <br />