Orange County NC Website
Unemployment: <br />Average Duration of Claims, 1997. <br />Weeks NC: 2nd-lowest length of claims in the US. <br />20 <br />~s <br />~s <br />source: Employment Security Commission of NC <br />Unemployment <br />Farelleling national and statewide trends, unemployment in the County is significantly lower <br />today that it was during any period since 1991. The most recent figures, from 1997, approximate <br />the County's average unemployment rate to be 1.4%, a 0.6 point drop from the 1991 rate of <br />2.0%. This level of decline is lower than that experienced by the nation, state, region and <br />selected Triangle communities. <br />C.) Demographic Information <br />Gender <br />Nineteen seventy marked the last census year in which males constituted the majority of Orange <br />County's population. In 1970 males accounted for 52% of the County's population, by 1980 that <br />had declined to 48% and has remained so ever since. As of July 1997, female residents <br />accounted for 52% of the County's population. The shift from majority male to majority female <br />can be traced to the period between 1967 and 1977, when female student enrollment at UNC-CH <br />increased by approximately 119%. Since then the gender profile of the County has paralleled <br />that of North Carolina and the Triangle J Region. <br />Percent of Female Residents ,1970-1997 <br /> 1970 1980 1990 1997 <br />Oran e 48% 52% 53% 52% <br />Trian le J 51 % 52% 52% 52% <br />NC 51% 51% 52% 52% <br />Source: US Census ,Woods and Poole Economics Inc. and NC Office of State Planning <br />6 <br />E ~ v m Y E Q <br />W ` ° `6 t ~ <br />a W <br />t E ~ ; `o <br />V m O <br />Q <br />