Agenda - 10-05-1999 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-05-1999
Agenda - 10-05-1999 - 10a
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4/22/2013 11:10:05 AM
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10/23/2008 11:11:39 AM
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9 <br />E. Effects on non - target species populations <br />1. Non - target fur - bearers <br />** *Two to ten times as many non- target species are caught as target species in <br />leghold traps. <br />** *These species am just as susceptible to over - trapping as target species. <br />Non - target species comprise 50% to 90% the number of animals caught by a trapper. <br />These unwanted animals may be used for food by the trapper, as bait for other prey, tossed aside <br />for scavengers, or released alive in which case most die from sustained injuries 12 <br />Dick Randall, a former "expert" government - employed trapper testified in Congress in <br />1976 that: <br />"Even though I was an experienced, professional trapper, my trap victims <br />included non - target species such as bald eagles and golden eagles, a variety of <br />hawks and other birds, rabbits, sage grouse, pet dogs, deer, antelope, porcupines, <br />sheep and calves. <br />"The leghold trap is inherently non - selective. It is probably the most cruel device <br />ever invented by man. My trapping records show that for each target animal I <br />trapped, about two unwanted individuals were caught. Because of trap injuries, <br />these non - target species had to be destroyed." 13 <br />Since there are no regulations which apply to trapping non - target species, these <br />populations are subject to the same adverse effects as target species. "If (trap -out) can occur to <br />target species, then it is certainly possible, if not highly probable, it would occur to some of the <br />non - target species in that same area," 14. <br />2. Endangered species <br />** *Endangered and threatened species are caught in leghold traps. <br />Species considered endangered or threatened by local and federal- governments are <br />protected by law from unnecessary killing and harassment 15. However, since leghold traps are <br />non - selective and a trapper has no control over what kind of animal steps into his trap, many of <br />these species end up injured or killed. "In 1973 a trapper with the federal government reported <br />that 2,500 bald and golden eagles had been caught in traps in Nevada. Six hundred thirty died in <br />the traps, and undoubtedly others died later as a result of trap induced injuries," 16. An eight -year <br />study conducted by the University of Minnesota Raptor Research and Rehabilitation Program <br />12 Eveland 65 <br />13 Eveland <br />14 Eveland 74 <br />+s Eveland 79 <br />'� CAmenviron.htrn <br />
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