Orange County NC Website
1@f05f1999 @4:@8 9196443@@2 OR. GTY. PLANNING PAGE @8f 14 <br />C~RB~N DOWNS <br />(continued} <br />9. ECONOMIC DEVEI,,OPMENT - (EDDIMTC) <br />Rl This development is within the County's Economic Development District <br />of the County's Land Use Element. The project is appropriately located <br />for non-residential development once adjacent local road improvements <br />are made to safely connect this project to Interstate I-40 and I-85. 'his <br />project would be the anchor of ecozzomic developzx~ent efforts of the <br />County since it is a prime location. In that regard, the adherence of the <br />project to the adopted EDD design guidelines and the MTC {Major <br />Transportation Corridor} rules is paramount to ensure an excellent <br />precedent fax quality non-residemial development in Hallsboxough and the <br />County. <br />R2 Indications are present within the application, that aesthetics of the entry <br />feature, site plan concepts and landscaped streetseapes are important to the <br />developer. The County can assist in developing a prominent entry feature <br />to an EDD with great potential. <br />10. OPEN SPACE <br />Ri Specify percentage required overall and per phase, exclusive of setbacks, <br />buffers and pedestrian ways; <br />Rz Differentiate recreational and low-impact open space, and require a mix of <br />both; <br />R3 Protection plan for existing vegetaion, especially specimen trees and <br />sigxtihcant forest stands; <br />Ito Can require cormzzzexcial buildings to go up, not out; <br />Rs Require buffer along Qld 86 by hotel where currently not required to <br />screen from roadway. <br />I1. COMMUNITY VALUES <br />Ri Integrate affordable housiatg into this development, not on separate parcel <br />unless that can be served by water arld sewer; <br />Rz Prohibit open burxiing of debris from site clearing as a health and <br />environmental issue. <br />R3 Study the impact on downtown Hillsborough. <br />g:\craiglcd-transll U-4-991dg <br />