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project. There are two well sites reserved on the property. There is also a <br />possibility of a tie-in with Sedgefield and Stoneridge system since there is a <br />main down the west side of Turkey Farm Road. He felt the community <br />ell was, by faz, a better solution than individual wells. ~ <br />Se ' k asked if a hydrological analysis done of the area so that the <br />appli t knows what the aquifer is. Mr. Smyre responded that an <br />analys has not been done by Kimley-Horn & Associates. While e <br />aquifer i unknown, a letter has been received from the operator f the <br />wells in S dgefield and Stoneridge that there is sufficient Ovate m the azea. <br />It is also th responsibility, should the well ever dry up, of developer to <br />produce ano er well or to dig the original well deeper to ovide water.. <br />IVtr. Smyre con ued that there are a total of 251 lots ' Stoneridge and <br />Sedgefield being erved by three wells which is app ximately 831ots per <br />well, while this pr 'ect is one well for 64 lots. <br />Strayhorn asked abo t the line size, noting th there aze water lines under <br />the road. Mr. Smyre esponded that he did t have that information but <br />the County Engineer uld be involved w' the actual water system. <br />Barrows asked about the ocation of s tic easements for the seven lots that <br />require easements. Mr. yre resp nded that the easements for lots 3 & 4 <br />aze located across the stree on a c mer lot that is owned by the <br />Homeowners Association. of has anoff--site easement on lot 13 across <br />the open space, which is a dis ce of about 400. feet. Lots 45 and 52 have <br />easements on a lot that is al caned by the Homeowners Association (he <br />indicated the location on pla ,and lot 26 has an easement diagonally to <br />lot 29. These solutions/ comme dations were prepared for the applicant <br />by Allen Clapp, who i ith the O ge County Environmental Health <br />Department and ve owledgeabl in this field. He felt these were good <br />solutions. <br />IVIr. Smyre ref ed to the Resolution of pproval and asked that Item C4 <br />be amended read: <br />A 50 oot buffer, as specified in the con act between Triangle <br />L Conservancy aqd the developer sha be provided along <br />rear of all lots located along the comm boundary with <br />e proposed Triangle Land Conservancy pr erty. <br />MOTION:. lkirk moved approval as recommended by the Pl ' g Staff with the <br />equested change in Item C4 of the Resolution. Sec ded by Katz. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />(4) Woodgreen <br />(25 Lots -Cheeks Township) <br />Presentation by Karen Lincoln. <br />The Preliminary Plan for Woodgreen follows the conservation option of <br />flexible development as described in the Subdivision Regulations. The <br />applicant, Tri-Star, Inc., proposes to subdivide the property (30.7 acres) <br />