Orange County NC Website
11 <br />c) where existing trees and shrubs are not sufficient to .meet requirements of Section IV-B-8, all proposed <br />plantings to fulfill landscape and buffer requirements labeled according to species (common name), <br />spacing and size at installation and at least two alternative species for each proposed planting shown: the <br />landscape plan indicates locations where Leyland Cypress are proposed to be planted and states that "all <br />planted trees must be at least 6' tall when planted." No alternative species are named. <br />3. Proposed septic system easement agreements for the proposed septic easements for Lots 1 and 2 across <br />Cedar Ridge Road cannot be approved because the North Carolina Department of Transportation will not <br />accept the public dedication of Cedar Ridge Road if it is subject to septic system easements. NCDOT will <br />only agree to grant an encroachment agreement for the septic system crossing Cedar Ridge Road when and <br />if it accepts the road for maintenance purposes; therefore, there is no way to assure that the owners} of Lots <br />1 and 2 will control the entire wastewater disposal system for those lots and the instrument of control for <br />that part of the system for each of those lots will not be appurtenant to and run with the land of those lots as <br />required by local and state rules governing such systems. <br />mydocuments/woodgreenres# 1 clean.doc <br />