Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Action Agenda _i <br />Item No. "1.O <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 5, 1999 <br />SUBJECT: Northern Fairview Landfill Site Soil Testing and Environmental Analysis <br />DEPARTMENT: Manager's Office <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/1~ <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT: (Y/1~ <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 227-2031 <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Albert Kittrell <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: - - ezt. 2307 <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />PURPOSE: To consider Soil Testing and Environmental Analysis of the Northern Fairview <br />Landfill Site. <br />BACKGROUND:.Commissioner Barry Jacobs, Town of Hillsborough Commissioner Ken <br />Chavious, Hillsborough Town Manager, County Manager and staff met on July 21, 1999 and <br />August 3, 1999 to discuss the Northern Fairview Landfill Site. At the July meeting, the group <br />reviewed and discussed the physical description of the site, the tour of the Chazlotte park built on a <br />landfill, the Town and County's possible interests in the site and soil testing. <br />In August, the group received a brief presentation from the County Engineer describing the services <br />that the geotechnical engineers would provide for soil testing, along with the estimated costs for <br />services; and discussed options both elected boards should consider for the site. The group agreed <br />on the following: <br />A. In order to determine the best use of the Northern Fairview Site, soil testing, including an <br />environmental analysis should be completed. This would include: <br />1) A series of shallow borings that would define the horizontal and vertical limits of the <br />landfilled area, the composition of the landfilled material and the bearing capacity/relative <br />compaction of the landfilled material. <br />2) Tests on materials removed from borings to determine toxicity location and movement of <br />contaminants. <br />3) Borings on non-landfill azeas to defime rock profiles and site suitability for uses including <br />recreation field and building. <br />B. The site is approximately 66 acres with the County owning 41 acres and the Town 25; therefore, <br />the County should incur 62% of the $30,000 cost for geotechnical engineering services or <br />$18,600, and the Town the remaining 38% or $11,400. <br />