Orange County NC Website
FY 1999-2000 ~ 2 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APPROVED GOAL <br />Revised: 05/03/99 <br />Adopted: 06/21 /99 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT/RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS <br />A Master Aging Plan (M.A.P.) would require the commitment of the public and private community. The County Human Services Management <br />Team (HSMT) would function as lead organization to coordinate and facilitate participation of county departments and their citizen boards as <br />well as town jurisdictions and private organizations. The Aging Department Director, a HSMT member, would serve as M.A.P. project <br />director to: oversee the planning and implementation, monitor work of paid planning staff, and chair the HSMT's M.A.P. Steering Committee. <br />To plan for ALL older adults (SS+) over the life span, it will require the establishment of three functional service workgroups composed of <br />knowledgeable community providers and consumers in each functional azea to identify issues and solutions. The functional workgroups would <br />focus on (1) The We1UFit Older Adult, (2) The Moderately Impaired/Disabled Older Adult and (3) The Severely Impaired/Institutionalized <br />Older Adult. The majority of the M.A.P. work would be done by existing county aging staffwith a one-time expense of $8,000 for supplies, <br />printing and to employ part time graduate student interns to reseazch and compile data, facilitate workgroups and assist in preparing the plan. <br />The M.A.P would be re azed as a five ear strate is lan from the eaz 2000-2004 and re uirin annual u dates. <br />w <br />