Orange County NC Website
FY 1999-2000 1 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APPROVED GOAL <br />Revised: 05/03/99 <br />Adopted: 06/21/99 <br />JOINT MASTER AGING PLAN <br />GOAL STATEMENT: To develop and implement a Master Aging Plan (M.A.P.) that would provide a comprehensive and coordinated <br />delivery of community services to senior citizens over the life span who have different levels of functional capacity. <br />Goal Initiated/Proposed By: Advisory Board on Aging on November 18,1998 <br />Most Recent Version Adopted by BOCC: New Goal <br />STATUS REPORT <br />This goal was based on the Mission to maintain and improve independence, functionality and quality of life for older residents as long as <br />possible. The retirement age population will mushroom between now and the year 2020 with a projected 131.6% increase in 65+ population <br />compared to only a 38.1 % growth among all age groups. With older adults living longer there is a need to focus on a continuum of care that <br />promotes wellness, independence and functionality regardless of a person's chronological age. Because of the broad focus, a M aster Aging <br />Plan (M.A.P.) would investigate the delivery ofcommunity-based services, In-home care services, and institutional care provision. To date, <br />there has not been a joint comprehensive (covering all aspects of aging) planning effort involving both public and private service providers and <br />consumers. Anticipated benefits would be: (1) improved awareness of each community agency and county department's commitment and role <br />in serving older citizens, all or a special segment, (2) identification of gaps in services (3) a more efficient and effective continuum of services, <br />(4) a coalition of departmental support for each others program goals, service objectives and specific action plan, and (5) a m.a.p. to the future <br />for promoting cooperation and creative solutions to the emerging needs of older adults and the issues of an aging society. <br />N ' <br />