Orange County NC Website
Draft 10/8/99 <br />S d spa >~ Buffe~~Fres`ervat' <br />x . ~, ~ < ,~.„ .ter ~.:.~~»~«:. _:.~; .~r . ; _ ~ ~, <br />Proximi to water su I intake <br />Nature and classification of the watershed WS-II etc <br />Nature and extent of existin v etation in buffer <br />Potential for im rovin water uali downstream <br />Located in a watershed with nutrient sensitive waters <br />Contains prime bottomland hardwood forests or identified natural areas (high <br />wei htin <br />Meets other land reservation oats <br />G. Ranking and Weighting Competing Resources <br />Invariably, as resource preservation opportunities arise, <br />consideration of potential acquisitions for differing .purposes will <br />arise. On occasion, this may require allocation decisions for funding <br />based. on the relative importance of the- resource in question. <br />While a matrix assigning a weighting scheme to .natural resources, <br />prime farmland and other acquisitions could be developed to assess <br />relative significance, such a formula would likely be unwieldy. <br />At any given point. in -time, all resource preservation opportunities <br />will not be equal. Funding and the environmental significance of <br />each .type of resource will change over time. However, <br />' opportunities that meet multiple goals may be a prime <br />consideration in evaluating. these choices. The following guidelines <br />might prove useful in the consideration of opportunities among <br />competing resource goals: <br />.Over time, the method in which competing resource objectives are <br />evaluated will likely need to be adjusted based on the Board's <br />adopted goals, community needs, and other factors. <br />26 <br />