Orange County NC Website
T.J. Dyer <br />August 26, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br />Thoroughfare Plan <br />The 1997 Transportation Plan for the Town of Hillsborough indicates the need for NC 86 and ; <br />Old NC 86 to be widened to multi -lane facilities within the project vicinity. <br />Trip Generation <br />Based on the methodology of the ITE Trip Generation Manual (6th Edition), the proposed <br />development is expected to generate approximately 35,367 trips per average weekday. The <br />breakdown of entering and exiting traffic at peak hours is listed below. <br />observations/Recommendations <br />Given the magnitude of this development and its proximity to I40 and I -85, we recommend a <br />complete Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) be performed which identifies current land use proposals <br />within the site, and addresses the capacity of the 1-40 / Old NC 86 interchange as it stands to be <br />affected by the proposed development. Given the limited information available addressing land <br />use, the location of the proposed driveway connections, and the lane geometry of these <br />connections, it should be noted that the following traffic related comments are preliminary. <br />Old NC 86 Access, Southern Drive <br />Given the high traffic volumes expected on Old NC 86 and the function of Old NC 86 as a <br />major north -south connector between 1-40 and the Town of Hillsborough, it appears a multi- <br />lane _lan_e divided type facility is appropriate for Old NC 86 in the vicinity of the project. In order <br />to provide full movement access onto Old NC 86 it will be necessary to comply-with the <br />current Median Crossover Guidelines (June, 1998), should a divided type facility be <br />implemented. With a 55 mile per hour speed limit posting, a minimum of 1,500 feet is <br />required between median openings; with a 45 mile per hour speed limit posting, a minimum . <br />of 1,000 feet is required between median openingi. This criterion should be considered when <br />determining the final location of the proposed driveway connection onto Old NC 86. <br />• We recommend the existing service road located approximately 1,400 feet north of the I -40 L <br />Old NC 86 interchange and the proposed driveway be aligned. <br />• Given the high traffic volumes associated with the site and its southernmost access <br />connection, a multilane facility should be constructed (as a minimum) between the southern <br />I-40 / Old NC 86 ramp terminal and the main development entrance. <br />Old NC 86 Access, Northern Drive <br />• We concur with the proposed location of the driveway located opposite Lafayette Drive. <br />• We recommend providing a northbound right -turn lane on Old NC 86 to remove turning <br />vehicles from the through movement. <br />• We concur with the proposed southbound left -turn lane on Old NC 86. <br />