Orange County NC Website
RaECEIVEL.. <br />3 <br />SEP 2 L I <br />STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION C DEPT. OFTRANSPOpT.4 1G � <br />DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS • itn D1111 <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA�IT i • ==': <br />James B. Hunt Jr. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611- 5201 David McCoy <br />GOVERNOR SECRETARY <br />August 26, 1999 <br />In reply refer to <br />File No. SC -99 -123 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: T.J. Dyer, P.E., District Engineer <br />(Attention: M. Venable) <br />FROM: G.C. Faulkner, Design Review Engineer <br />Congestion Management Section <br />SUBJECT: Proposed Hillsborough Assemblage Access onto NC 86, SR 1009 <br />Orange County <br />Per your request, the Access Review Squad of the NCDOT Traffic Engineering Branch has <br />completed a preliminary review of the subject site. Based on our analysis of the site plan and the <br />submitted portion of the TIA performed by Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. with consideration <br />to its impacts on the adjacent traffic facilities, we offer the following comments: <br />Background <br />SR 1006 (Old NC 86) is a two -lane major thoroughfare with a 1997 ADT value of 13,700 <br />vehicles per day. NC 86 is a two -lane major thoroughfare, with a 1997 ADT of 11,500 vehicles <br />per day and a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour. SR 1224 is a service road which connects <br />to Old NC 86 from the west approximately 1,400 feet north of the westbound ramp terminal of <br />the I-40 / Old NC 86 interchange.' <br />Proposed Development <br />The multi -use development is proposed to be located between NC 86 and Old NC 86, north of <br />I-40, and is proposed to include single - family homes, townhouses, apartments, a hotel, an <br />assisted living community, a day care facility, a fire station, and extensive retail and office <br />development. Requested access to the site is includes a full movement access connection onto <br />Old NC 86 opposite Lafayette Drive, a full movement access onto Old NC 86 between the I-40 / <br />Old NC 86 interchange and SR 1224, and a full movement access onto NC 86. <br />