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Attachment 2 <br />Department Head Pay Equity Study <br />Activities and Timetable <br />Activity <br />Target Date <br />1. Draft and send the Department Head Pay Equity study plan to <br />08 -09 -99 <br />Commissioners for review and any feedback. <br />2. Receive any input from Commissioners on the study plan and <br />08 -18 -99 <br />finalize. <br />3. Request updated position descriptions from department heads to be <br />09 -01 -99 <br />received by 10- 19 -99. <br />4. Draft and send survey to department heads for perquisites /work <br />09 -15 -99 <br />tools portion of study. <br />5. Develop request for proposals for consultant(s) to complete the job <br />09 -15 -99 <br />evaluation, labor market and salary analysis phases of the study. <br />6. Receive proposals by October 5 and identify the consultant(s) to <br />10 -19 -99 <br />complete the consultant phases of the study. (If Board approval is <br />required, take to the Board at the October 19, 1999 meeting.) <br />7. Receive, compile and report to the Board on the perquisites /work <br />11 -02 -99 <br />tools survey along with any recommendations. <br />8. Complete the job evaluation and labor market study, including <br />02 -15 -00 <br />identification of any recommended salary grade changes. <br />9. Evaluate the results of the job evaluation and labor market study <br />03 -15 -00 <br />from the pay equity perspective and identify any further salary grade <br />changes to achieve the pay equity result. <br />10. Present the information and recommendations from the Item 8 and 9 <br />04 -04-00 <br />- above job evaluation, labor market and pay equity review to the <br />Board of Commissioners for its discussion and consideration. <br />11. To the extent funding is required, incorporate the results of the <br />05 -15 -00 <br />Department Head Pay Equity Study in the Manager's <br />Recommended Budget for 1999 -00. <br />12. Present the final results of the Department Head Pay Equity study to <br />06 -30 -00 <br />the Board of Commissioners for decision. <br />H: \e \dhequpl.doc <br />August 9, 1999 <br />