Orange County NC Website
ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION 10 <br />Orange County Zoning Ordinance <br />6.23.10 APPLICABILITY <br />c) Existing Lots <br />Stream buffers as required by Article 6.23.7, and setbacks for septic systems as' <br />required by Article 6.23.8 may be reduced to .the extent necessary to allow <br />development of the lot, provided that all of. the following criteria are met: <br />1.. The septic system is sized to serve no -more than four bedrooms; and <br />2.. The :septic tank,.: drainfield and. repair area (where required) can be <br />accommodated on 20,000 square feet of area or less;. and <br />3. The Orange County Planning Staff, in consultation with Orange County <br />Environmental Health and /or the Orange County Engineer has determined <br />that encroachment of the structure into <br />the'. stream buffer and /or <br />encroachment,. of the septic system or repair area into the stream buffer <br />or reservoir setback is necessary in 'order to provide adequate area for <br />septic disposal and, repair while maintaining required separations between <br />wells, septic systems, structures and property lines; and <br />4. The Orange County. Planning Staff, in consultation with Orange County <br />Environmental. Health and /or the Orange County Engineer, has <br />determined that the relative locations of the well, septic system and <br />structure maximize the amount of watershed protection. that can be <br />achieved while allowing development of the lot. Generally, an exception <br />to setbacks for repair area is preferable to -an exception for the initial <br />septic system, and encroachment of structures or gravity 'septic systems <br />into the. setback Is preferable to the installation of aseptic system pump. <br />5. The amount of encroachment into the stream or reservoir buffer is the <br />minimum amount which can be obtained while meeting the above criteria. <br />g:\ txtamendlcanecrk lzamend_n.doc \10- 6 -991k1 <br />