Orange County NC Website
5 <br />W. Impact of Potential NC Growth Management Legislation on County - Municipal <br />Jurisdiction Planning <br />The intent of the study commission and the recommendations forthcoming is to create a <br />planning framework that addresses regional cooperation and land use consistency <br />between various jurisdictions. Environment and transportation issues are primary <br />regional effects. Annexation and comprehensive land use compatibility affect the <br />boundaries between local governments. <br />Under some hypothetical legislation; a pattern of future land use would be set by the <br />county with the input from nearby municipalities. These new ED areas would be jointly <br />planned and be the 'pool' of future annexations into unincorporated areas of the county.. <br />Even after annexation the previous land'use pattern would be the dominant-pattern until <br />an amendment, if any, was requested showing a proposed change that met a series of <br />• compatibility requirements.. <br />Growth management and 'smart growth initiatives focus a great amount of review on <br />regional issues as well as the urban growth boundaries. (i.e. county -city interface). <br />Legislation that promotes cooperative planning can become a major. facilitator to <br />enhanced communication between local governments and the corresponding planned <br />progress goal of the area. <br />4 of 4 <br />