Orange County NC Website
12 <br />When no meter reading is available due to an inoperative, damaged or inaccessible meter, } <br />• consumption will be esti ated based on prior usage at the location and current use of the <br />facilities at that time. <br />:. <br />~, <br />INTERLOCAL WATER SFER CHARD S <br />The purpose of this charge is .to recover casts associated with the provision of <br />supplemental water supply under contractual agreement with other water purveyors; The <br />specific rates to be charged will be negotiated with the ..other party based upon specific <br />conditions, but using the cost of-service ra#ernaking approach. The commodity: charge for such <br />interlacal water transfers shalt not be less than seventy-five percent (?5°Jo} of the water <br />commodity charge applicable to all water accounts within OWq.SA's service area. <br />TEMPORARY HYDRANT METER CHARGE <br />. Service from a fue .hydrant for construction purposes •ls subject to griority use of such <br />hydrant for fire protection. Temporary hydrant meters are available April through November. <br />and can be used by a customer at a single location. A $108:00 service charge, payable in <br />advance, is collected for setting and removing the meter. In addition, a security deposit is <br />required in accordance with the following schedule: <br />Meter Size Security Deposit <br />I" $ 604 00 <br />3" $ 600.00 <br />Monthly billings for: temporary hydrant meters will consist of two charges: (i) a service <br />charge for that size meter, and (2) a commodity charge based on monthly readings of the meter. <br />When the hydrant meter, is returned undamaged, the security deposit will be applied to the final <br />bill and any credit balance will be refunded within thirty (30) days. <br />W~.TER AVAILABI•LTFY CHARGE <br />The purpose of this charge is to recover a portion'of the capital costs of providing water <br />system facility capacity. The availability charge •is applicable to each new connection to a water <br />main, regardless of who may have paid for the installation. of the water main to which the <br />connection is to be made. For the purpose of availability charges, customer accounts are divided <br />into three categories:. (I) Single Family. Residential, .Detached :Home; (2} Multifamily <br />Residential, Individually Metered; and (3) Nonresidential: The Nonresidential category includes <br />master-metered Multifamily apartment complexes plus all other commercial, The University, and <br />,institutional accounts. The use of these categories is distinctive patterns of water and <br />sewer consumption. . <br />t :- <br />Rage 4 <br />