Agenda - 10-19-1999 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-19-1999
Agenda - 10-19-1999 - 7a
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Last modified
10/21/2008 12:29:23 PM
Creation date
10/21/2008 12:28:49 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19991019
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
RES-1999-068 Resolution Amending the Rules & Regulations for the Operation of the Sewer Collection Treatment System to Serve the Efland Area of Orange County
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1999
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10 <br />Operation, the Efland sewer system carries a debt (initial capital construction casts) to the County's <br />General Fund of approximately $200,000. Under the current fee structure, there are no fee revenues <br />available to provide for any reduction of this debt. <br />Hillsborough's fee structure applicable to customers of the Efland ystem has not remained static. Even <br />prior to the sewer system becoming operational, the Hillsborough portion of the availability fee was <br />raised from. $400 to $600, reflecting the then-current accessibility fee charged by Hillsborough for its in <br />town customers. Since that time, the Town of Hillsborough's fee structure has reflected fee increases <br />on at least two occasions. The current availability fee structure sets a fee of $800 far a 5/8 inch water <br />meter service {standard residential size) ar $1000 per, acre, whichever is greater, for in town customers. <br />Hillsborough's Town Engineer has recently advised that Efland customers not covered under the <br />original tap fee agreement will be subject to fees applicable to other out of-town customers or double <br />the rate for in town customers ($1600 for the .standard S/8 inch residential water meter service or $2000 <br />per acre). <br />Staff recammends that the BOCC adopt a revised fee structure that addresses the shortcomings in the <br />existing fee structure. Specifically, staff recommends that the Board create and define: <br />- a stub-out service line fee which xecovers the administrative and construction. cost. of installing the <br />service line on the basis of a costplus fee structure; <br />- an acreage fee of $1000 per acre to be designated for retiring the debt plus interest for the General <br />Fund loan that helped finance the cost of constructing the existing system. <br />Furthermore, staffrecommends that the County: <br />- maintain the existing availability fee of $600 per residential .equivalency sewer tap to fund a capital <br />replacement account for existing infxastructure;- <br />- amend the Rules and Regulations for the Operation of the System to specifically require ,that the <br />Hillsborough availability fee - as determined~on a case-by-case basis~by the Town.- be passed <br />through directly to the consumer/customer. <br />Staff is not recommending that the original customers whu have sewer tap/sewer service contracts <br />be charged any access, availability or service stub-outs fees other than those required under the <br />terms of their contract(s). <br />The recommended fee, policy does not address sewer use rate issues or costs. These issues can be dealt <br />with at the Board's leisure as potential losses over short periods of time are not significant and rates can <br />be changed at any time necessary... The fee recommendations likewise do not deal with the issues <br />related to sewer assessments for new sewer construction or expansion.. Typically, these assessment <br />issues are addressed. at the beginning of an expansion/construction project and ultimately resolved <br />through a project and assessment resolution/ordinance upon completion of construction and finalization <br />of expansion costs.., <br />If I may provide additional information or input, please advise. <br />
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