<br />c~mau : The following questions should be asked wUh resped to each site:
<br />1. What are the envlronmenlaljusUce impilcaUons U This site is seleded for Ute
<br />proposed transfer slation7
<br />2 If a potential site has envlronmedai Justlce Implicatlons, have ail Orange County
<br />residents been given adequate nodce of the Issue, relevant InfomraUon, and
<br />bpportudUes to give meaningful Input before the final dedslon (site selection) Is
<br />made?
<br />3.:DoessitingotthaproposedUanderstationhaveapotentiallycumulaUve
<br />environmenhailmpactonaspedficcommunityorneighborhood9
<br />4. If a proposed site may be environmentally unJusL is there an alternative resdution
<br />that would have a less disparate Impad while still accomplishing our core
<br />puryose?
<br />oermirm: The fair treatment and meaningful Involvement of people of aU races, cultures,
<br />incomes, age or disability, and educatlonal levels with rasped b the development and
<br />entorcementofenviranmentaliaws,regulations,poiicias,anddedsions. Fair
<br />treatment meansihatnogroupofpeopleshouidbearadisproportionalesharediha
<br />negative environmental consequences resulting from IndusMal, transparta0on,
<br />govemmenlal,andcemmerolalo araUOnsa ollc(es.
<br />uwacmuon: lncmasedalrpollWonlsaconcemtorproJectswilhbanspodaUoncanpanents. The
<br />vadous vehicular emissions that are regulaled indude nitrogen oxides, partlculates,
<br />noninethane hydrocarbons, carbon monoxtde, and carbon dioxide. Therefore,
<br />potential changes in errdssions that could aged These polutant levels are the pdmary
<br />focus of This cdtedon.
<br />ooWrm;. :Overall percentage inaeace In nitrogen oxides, particulates, nontnalhane
<br />hydrocarbons; carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide emissions resulting from
<br />colledion vehlde hauling and operation.
<br />X~~~~-'~i~°
<br />~, Y`r g>~~xiat
<br />+~
<br />sries will be respediuely ranked
<br />1lnequlWble shadng of negative
<br />ntal consequences and Potential
<br />environmental impacts on prormale
<br />is or neighborhoods.
<br />e atlas will be ranked with respect to
<br />pecentage increase In exhaust emissions
<br />oxides, paNculates,non-methane
<br />bons, carbon monoxide, and carhen
<br />misdons) from celledion vehicles as
<br />fusing the additional haul distance
<br />d fmm the waste generation centroid to the
<br />Idte. Thesilevdlhlhelowestpercentage
<br />wtii be ranked highest Gmanino Garbage
<br /> 1- __ _
<br />
<br />cuca:,~~ ,:~udn a cdmmupity, the residents have needs That must be met to maintain a certa(n Sites with available electric, water, and sewer
<br /> minimum standard of liuing and quality of lira From an IntrasWdure standpoin4 those service {wUhln 1000 feet of the Wnsfer station site)
<br /> needs typicallylncludehomes,Wnsportadon(streets, roads, sidewalks, anddreinage), andsultableroadwayconnedardestgnwilibe
<br /> energy(gasand/oreleddaty),telewmmunica0ons,andwatorandsawerseMce. ranked theh(ghest ErdsUngroadwayteatureswili
<br /> be compared to minimum standards fa indusUlal
<br />ooeniem: Polentiailmpaduponconnedorslreetsandroadsfromtheslandpolntofincreased accessroads.
<br /> collection and transfer treRe volume and suitability of roadway designs for heavy Wck
<br /> traffic. Electric, water, and sewer service wgl be assessed with respectto availability,
<br /> capacity, andim xtoftransferstationusa eonexistings stems.
<br />4. AOJACENTLANOUSES Extremely 15
<br />caetle.l6n: OMctal land use provides Information on the adual or customary use of the cortxnunity. The canddate site with the least potamlal impad In important
<br /> However, zoned or planned land uses may not show how dgerad parcels of land are terms of change in actual or customary uses on
<br />' ' actually used. The zoninglplanning use and adual use, and ez(sting customary uses adjacent propedles (within 500 feat of Wnsfer
<br /> assadaled with a candidate site should be examined. station property boundary) will be mnked highest
<br />OeSnaan: Potential Impact upon a commuNty's existing use of space (e.g., resMction of open
<br /> space or outdoor uses, traffic udumes, or patterns that create baMars to crossing of
<br /> streets anNor nalghbbmood wnnectlvity) resulting Uom transfer station or
<br /> frdrasWdure deveWPment
<br />corsaomwn:, Hownearatacllitylstoparks,schools,churches, reUmmentcenters,haspitals,or Candidalesileswilhstreetormadwayconnedor Important
<br /> other pubec areas where people congregate can be a wncern from the standpoint of access chat least impad senddva community areas
<br /> both physical and environmental safety (vehide exhausts, liquid, fu0iUve emissions, vhll be ranked highest
<br /> and odor) trdmfacility-related operations ortraUia
<br />oertriE~.: Poterdialimpad of facilityrelaledtretfic through'sensiUva'eommunityaroas (e.g.,
<br /> schools andior other pubitc areas) including pedestrian safety, collec5on or transfer
<br /> veh,Ide exhausts, fugitive emissions, and odor.
<br />
<br />8
<br />