Orange County NC Website
~ ~ <br />~~~ g +h~~;~ <br />Y~Z; <br />' Ja~~9~rt~~r~~ <br />r <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />1i.IMPACT ON HISIOWCAL OR CULTURAL FEATURES' ~ Very 10 <br />casHemm~:.: Communitles develop whero they dolor any number of reasons. Itis fikelythe location Idengfy the mostimportanlcul(ural or histodc Important <br />had easy access to water Ofter~mes, communitles sprouted up as railroad whls0e features In the Immediate area of the proposed <br />stops oral the Inlersec0on of tvro main roads. For others, the locatlon was of military candidate trenster slagon site Includng sites that <br />orpolitlcalinlerestorwasolhervrisedefendable. Perhaps,acertainnateralresource hostcuituraltraditlonsandevenls,histodcland <br />gavedseWindustryinthearea,orthefarmlandwasfeNle,orthescenerywas uses, and locallnsfilu0ons.ThesitethathasNe <br />pluYUresqua Such natural feaWres shape the hisWdes and culWres of any community, least number of historical and cuiWral features <br />InOeencing who decides to live there, the bands and uaditlons of those people, Ole located on propertles within t00D•foot of the site <br />organizations they create, and the values they collecOvely embrace. In tutu, these boundary will be ranked the highest Cultural and <br />culturalv2luesgreatlyin0uencehowthecommunityinteractswithandmakesuseoiits histodcieaturesshalibedefinedasindlcatedtn <br />natural assets. Criterion 0 (Sites with Protected Sites of Historical, <br /> Amheological, a Cultural Significanrs) of the <br />Understanding Ore community+s history, values, goNs, and asplratlons provides an Exclusionary Criteria <br />Important stating point for preserving the area's natural resources and assets. <br />Consequently,thiscriledon'smaingoallstoexplorelhecommunity'shisloryand Refer toEnuironmenWlJustlcewnsideregonsin <br />culWreinanet~orttoidemifythosethingsihecommudtyfeelsaremostimportanG CommunitySpeclficCdterlaNo.1. <br />oemiaan: Natural or manmade feaues that shape the histories and culWres of the community, <br />InOuencing who decides to live (here, the bonds and Uadlgons of those people, the <br />organfzatlonslheycreafe,andthevaluestheycollectlvetyembrace. <br />12COSTCONSIDERATION Impodant 3 <br />CairsidrreWn:. Thecharacterisgcsotasftecanslgnifican0ylmpacttrans(eratagonconsWCtloncosts ThecanrGdalesitewiththeloweslprel(minarysite <br />(e.g., sites with sleep slopes may require extra costs associated with eaMrtroving and development cost estimate vdll be ranked highest <br />`-retaidngwalls;sllaaccessmayrequireconsWClionoftumfnglanes;agsite <br />Improvement of uUliges may be required to provide adequate capacity). <br />ooa,iam: Preliminary site development costs Including site acqulsiUon, roadway access, utrTity <br />extension, on3ife roadways, retaining walls, and drainage sWCWms. <br />10 <br />