Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
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Last modified
10/17/2008 3:59:21 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:59:19 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081021
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<br />Page 2 of 3 <br />I respectfully request that you review the decision made by the Orange County Planning Board <br />concerning the above mentioned minor subdivision and reverse their ruling concerning my direct <br />driveway access to Whitfield Road, Chapel Hill, NC. <br />This property was purchased by my Grandparents in 1903 and has been in my immediate family <br />since that time. I personally have lived on this family land for 34 years, Lot 29B. <br />I am in the process of subdividing Lot 29, into 2 tracts of land. Tract 2, which is adjacent to the <br />acreage I live on, will be approximately a 4 acre lot, owned by me, and Tract 1 will be <br />approximately a 15 acre lot, owned by my two brothers, C. Douglas and Donnie W. Yeazgan. <br />Both my existing Lot 29B and my proposed Tract 2, already have separate, individual, well <br />established direct driveway connections to Whitfield Road. <br />I am asking that The Orange County Planning Board. allow me to keep the two current direct <br />driveway connections, as they currently exist, to Whitfield Road on Lot-29B and Tract 2, each <br />providing access for only one building lot, and that they also allow one additional outlet to <br />Whitfield Road be constructed for the proposed Tract 1, 15 acres. That would mean adding just <br />one more driveway to an overall 24 acre parcel which has 728 feet of road frontage. These 3 <br />outlets would be well spaced apart with approximately 200 feet separating each of them and all <br />would have excellent sight distance, as we currently have on the original 2 drives. <br />The Planning Board has denied my request, stating that only two outlets will be approved in total <br />for all three parcels, Lot 29B, Tract 2, and Tract 1. This means I will have to disrupt <br />approximately 200 feet of my existing driveway and construct a new joint drive, removing <br />numerous large trees and avoiding my existing well and water lines, doing this in order to <br />utilize one of the allowed outlets for Tract 1. By allowing the construction of the third additional <br />direct outlet on Tract 1, no trees would have to be removed. <br />Other options that the Planning Board has suggested, such as a driveway easement across the <br />total width of my existing Lot 29B, to Tract 2, ending with the construction of a turnaround, <br />would again require removing numerous large trees. <br />I ask that you review the decision made by the Orange County Planning Board and reverse their <br />decision by aIIowing me to keep the existing 2 driveway connections for Lot 29B and Tract 2, <br />and add an additional third connection for Tract 1. <br />Please see attachment copy of my last correspondence from the Orange County Planning <br />Department. <br />Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter which is so critical to me. I look <br />forward to hearing from you and your decision. I can be reached at the above mailing address, or <br />at (D} 65I-5454 or (H) 408-0904 <br />Regards, <br />Diane Yeargan Chappell <br />03/25/2008 <br />
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