Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
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Last modified
10/17/2008 3:59:21 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:59:19 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081021
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~a <br />Diane Y. Chappell <br />January 9, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />III. Landscape Plan <br />Label two copies of the Final Piat {in addition to the revised copies), as "Landscape Plan", and provide the <br />following information on the two (2) copies: <br />1. Indicate areas, which are wooded. <br />2. Describe the types of trees. For example: hardwood or pine forest, oak, cedar, maple, etc. <br />3..Label the area within the building setbacks as "tree pro#ection area". (fhe building. setback is 40' <br />from the right-of-way for the front yard, and 20' from the side and rear property lines.) <br />4. Provide the following note on the Landscape Pian, owner endorsed and dated as well: <br />"Existing frees will be preserved to meet fhe landscape requirements of <br />Section IY-B-8-d-1 of the Orange Couirfy Subdivision Regulations." <br />Upon submittal of the Landscape Plan the Planning Department will conduct a site inspection of the property to <br />determine if there is enough existing vegetation to meet landscape requirements. If there is not enough existing <br />vegetation, the planting of additional trees may be required. In that case, you will be notified to resubmit a <br />Landscape Plan depicting the location, number, and types of trees to be planted. Subsequently, installation of <br />the required plantings must take place and be approved by the Planning Department prior to Final Plat approval. <br />IV. Joint Driveway <br />A joint driveway is required between the existing, adjoining (to the west) lot owned by you labeled as Chapel Hill <br />Township Tax Map 17 Lot 29B and Tract 2 for access onto Whitfield Road {SR 1731). The conditions of the <br />joint driveway are as follows: <br />A. The joint driveway must be constructed from Whitfield to 40-ft. into both lots, and <br />B. Tice gravel drive within the existing lot must be physically abandoned, reseeded, and relocated to the area <br />designated as the joint drive. <br />Your surveyor must certify in writing that the existing driveway has been removed and the joint driveway has <br />been satisfactorily installed. This certification must be dated and contain the surveyor's seal. Upon submittal of <br />the cert~cation, the Planning Department will conduct an inspection to verify that this has been done. Ali of <br />these items must be completed prior to Final Piat approval. <br />V. Joint Driveway Agreement <br />An attorney of your choice must be prepare a joint driveway agreement that states access for the <br />aforementioned lots is provided as well as restricted to the designated driveway. This document must be <br />submitted to the Planning Department at which time it will be forwarded to the County Attorney for review and <br />approval. The minimum review period on all documents is four weeks from the date the County Attorney <br />receives the materials from the Planning Department. <br />V!. School Certification <br />Pursuant to the approval of the Schools Adequate Facilities Ordinance, where lots have been approved for <br />recordation by either the Orange County School System or the Chapel Hi11-Canboro School System a statement <br />must be endorsed by a designated representative of the respective school system. Please contact the Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro School System and submit documentation to the Planning Department that a certificate has been <br />issued for Tracts 1 and 2 by that jurisdiction. <br />
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