Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2008
Agenda - 10-21-2008 - 6b
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Last modified
10/17/2008 3:59:21 PM
Creation date
10/17/2008 3:59:19 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081021
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i~ <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Director <br />•,. N <br />Current Planning d` ` p''•. 306E Revere Road <br />{918) 245 2ST5 ~ ~ P O Box 8181 <br />(819) 644 3002 {FAX) Hillsborough, <br /> •r, ~.• North Caroitna, 27278 <br />~fi Ca=+~ <br />February 11, 2008 <br />Dime Y. Chappell <br />3804 W.hitfieid Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />Re: Property of Juanita Yeargan He'as Minor Subdivision Proposal MNRfl7-0039 <br />Chapel Hi11 Township -Tax Map 17 Lot 29 <br />Dear Mrs. Chappell: <br />This letter is to inform you that the Orange County Planning Department an February 7, 2008 reviewed your <br />second reques# dated January 28, 2008 for the above referenced proposal. The request is to allow the existing <br />driveways boated on Trail 2 and Lot 298, ba grandfathered In, remaining as separat®, direct outlets onto <br />Whitfield Road, and allow for the addftion of a new, separate outlet onto Whitfield Road from Tract 1. <br />Section IV-B-3-rr8 "Acxess 'Restrictions" of the Orange County Subdivision Rsgulations states that where a <br />subdivision adjoins a heavily traveled 'road Massitied as arterial or collector in the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan, in the interest of highway safety, the subdivider shalt be required to provide a common <br />driveway. The intent is to minimize the number of access points to main roads within Orange County. Whitfield <br />Road is classified as a minor arterial. Thus, a joint drnreway is required as access for #wo lots onto Whitfield <br />Road. In review of saki request and our revisit of the Concept Pian it was determined that there are four (4} <br />options ava~able to you as follows: <br />1. Rebcate the proposed joint drhreway to the common boundary line of <br />Tracks 1 and 2 and record a joint driveway agreement. <br />2. Leave the existing driveway within Lot 29B Intact and encompass it to <br />create a 50-ft. easement #hat extends into Tract 2, ending in a cul de sac <br />or Ytumaround. Thi$ option w~i require a road mafitenance agreement. <br />3. Obtain access from Tract 1 when if is developed and provide a no vehicular <br />aoeess strip along Tract 2 at Whitfield Road. This wail require Tract 2 to become <br />party to the road maintenance agreement created for the access provided <br />for the development of Tract 1. <br />4. Appeal the Department's decision to the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners (BOCC}. BY doing so, the BOCC can either reverse our decision <br />or impose addfitional conditions. <br />Should you have questions or comments, you may ~cantact me at 245-2581 or Robert Davis at 245-2580 <br />regarding the details if you so desire. <br />Cordially, <br />,lane A. Game <br />Planner <br />C:~conceptplchappe~ 41~11.08~ <br />
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