Orange County NC Website
as <br />,~Zecrewttio~. a~ f'ar~ts ~i~yiso~ry Gouyl.Git <br />D~Drwn~e Gou;wt~ <br />P.O. Box 8181, 300 W. Tryon St, Hiltsboraugh, NC 27278 {919) 245-2&60 <br />Mf=MORANDUM <br />To: Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor <br />From: Recreation and Parks Advisory Counci! <br />Re: The Forest at Little River Subdivision <br />Date: July 3, 2008 <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review the preliminary plan for four lots in this subdivision and the <br />proposed conversion of the existing Sweetflag Lane to a public street. <br />A# it's June 24th meeting the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council (RPAC} authorized a <br />subcommittee to review this application and respond in time to meet the July 11 planning deadline. <br />RPAC does not meet again until August 26. <br />The subcommittee met on site to review the application and walk the property. It was noted that a <br />mapped Wildlife corridor along Forest Creek crosses the southwest comer of Lot 8. RPAC agrees <br />with the recommendation of ERCD that this area should remain. undisturbed and protected. <br />At the time of the site visit The "Ephemeral Drainage way" crossing Lots 7 and 8 did not contain <br />water, but otherwise looked very much tike a stream, up to six feet wide with 3-4 foot <br />embankments. RPAC is in agreement with the recommendation of planning staff fora 50' buffer <br />to protect this area. <br />Many large hardwood trees were scattered throughout the property and it would be the desire of <br />RPAC to avoid and protect as many of these as possible when clearing and during construction. <br />Preservation of these trees will provide added value to the environment and to the property. <br />RPAC would tike to recommend tha# some type of recreational amenity be included in the final plan <br />for the property. A walkway along the southern side of Sweetflag Lane would be ideal, if permitted. <br />Otherwise some allowance could be made for a gazebo, or shelter, even a court of some type in a <br />centrally located area. <br />Finally, RPAC recommends payment in lieu of publicly dedicated open space for the four lots in the <br />subdivision. <br />cc: Lori Taft <br />