Orange County NC Website
a7 <br />oRANOE CovNTv <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Robert Davis, Currant Planning Supervisor <br />From: inch Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation Manager <br />Date: July i, 2008 <br />Subject: The Forest at Little River II -Major Subdivision Proposal <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review a Preliminary Plan for "The Forest at Little <br />River II" major subdivision proposal. The proposal would create four estate lots on <br />19.19 acres (outside of I2/'W} east of Hunt Road (Little River Township). <br />ERCD commented on the Conceptual Pian for this subdivision proposal in a memo <br />dated February 7, 2008. These follow-up comments. are based on an examination of <br />the Preliminary Plan (S/i4/08) and a review of ERCD's comprehensive database. <br />ERCD recommended earlier that the plan specify the size of the building envelope to <br />satisfy the ordinance requirement that the building envelope not exceed 50% of the <br />total lot area. ~e Preliminary Plan specifies the size of each building envelope, so <br />that comment has been addressed satisfactorily. <br />ERCD also recommended that the proposed Wildlife Corridor located in the southeast <br />comer of Lot 8 be identified on the Preliminary Plan. That Wildlife Corridor (along <br />Forrester Creek) is shown in the Comprehensive Plan and should remain undisturbed. <br />The Preliminary Plan shows the Wildlife Corridor~so that comment has also been . <br />addressed satisfactorily. <br />In conclusion, the plan appears consistent with the County's desire to minimize <br />adverse environmental impacts with respect to the protection of fioodplains, <br />wetlands, natural areas and wildlife habitat. <br />Let me know if there are any questions. <br />c~ David Stang') <br />ton Taft <br />Environment and Resource Conservation <br />PO Box 8181 / 30¢-A Revere Road <br />N171sborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2590 <br />