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ia~ <br />and 10 as well as the designated wildlife corridor on lot 7. These <br />protected areas shall be shown and labeled accordingly on the final plat. <br />All maintenance responsibilities for the open space shall be with the <br />individual owners. <br />3. The second paragraph of Section IV-B-7-b of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations references the required minimum recreation <br />space ratio in the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, Article 5.1.1, which <br />requires 0.028 square feet of recreation space per land area dedicated to <br />residential use [0.028 * 20.97acres = 0.59 acres, or 25,700 sq ft]. in those <br />cases where the required minimum recreation space results in a larger <br />amount than the public recreation space requirement of 1120 acre per lot <br />(1120 x 4 lots = 8,712 sq ft), the difference shall be established as private <br />recreation space for the use of the residents of the development (25,700 - <br />8,712 =16,988 square feet (.39 acres). Approximately 14.95 acres of in- <br />lot open space (44.49%) will be protected and available to individual lot <br />owners. <br />4. Developer shall provide a minimum of 16,988 square feet of private <br />recreation area (e.g. trails, all-purpose Meld, etc.). A mulched trail along <br />Sweetflag Lane or an area centrally located will meet requirements. <br />F. Construction Waste <br />1. Per the Orange County Solid Waste Ordinance, clean wood waste, scrap <br />metal and corrugated cardboard, and all present construction waste, shall <br />be recycled. <br />2. All haulers of construction waste shall be properly licensed. Developer <br />shall confirm that hauling contractors are licensed to haul waste in Orange <br />County. <br />3. Prior to any construction activity on the site the applicant shall arrange for <br />a pre-construction conference with the County's Solid Waste staff. <br />G. Miscellaneous <br />The Final Plat shall contain a title block and vicinity map in accordance <br />with Section V-D-2 and V-D-3 of the Orange County Subdivision <br />Regulations. <br />2. The open space shall be conveyed into the Homeowner's Association <br />before Planning Department signatures are affixed to the final plat. Tree <br />cutting in the roadside Open Space is prohibited except for necessary <br />maintenance purposes that have been approved by County staff prior to <br />any such tree cutting taking place. The County Attorney shall approve the <br />restrictive covenants applicable to the property. <br />3. If street lighting is proposed, a lighting plan shall be submitted to the <br />planning office for review and approval prior to purchase of lighting fixtures <br />from the utility provider. Any lighting shall meet the Outdoor Lighting <br />