Orange County NC Website
i. There shall be only one {1) freestandinq sign per <br />ro e <br />ii.. The freestandinq sign shall be limited to thirty-two (32) <br />square feet of sign area <br />iii. The sign may be either around or pole mounted <br />iv. Freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of ten <br />X10}feet from all property lines, <br />2. Wall signs shall either be mounted or painted on a building <br />Wall signs shall be erected in accordance with the provisions of <br />this Ordinance, provided the following standards are adhered to:, <br />rrom me sloe or me puuaing on wnicn it rs mounted. <br />ii. Wall signs shall not protrude more that twelve {12) inches <br />from the side of building on which it is mounted. <br />iii. Only one (1 wall sign shall be permitted per building <br />except as follows: <br />In cases where a buildin is located on a corner lot a <br />second wall sign may be erected on the building wall <br />facing the second street .right-of-way subject to the <br />requirements of this Ordinance. <br />if a building facade faces athletic fields or other similar <br />recreational areas on the property, a second wall sign, up <br />to thirty-two {32) square feet in area, may be erected <br />facing these facilities not to exceed the allowable sign <br />area as calculated herein, <br />Under no circumstances may multiple wall signs be <br />located on the same building facade. <br />iv. The allowable area for wal! signs to occupy on a building <br />per permitted facade shall be based on the ,following <br />formula: one (1~ square foot of wall sign area for every <br />point five {.50) linear feet of building alonga right-of-waX <br />or facing an athletic field or similar recreational use, not <br />to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. <br />v. A changeable copy sign can be utilized as a wall signs. <br />v_ i. Wall signs shall not extend above the soffit, parapet, or <br />eave line of the building to which it is attached. <br />