Orange County NC Website
~tiS,l •' V <br />~t1 <br />•S~~ <br />section 13.20.1 of the Ordinance reads as folicwvs: <br />Ground abso-pffon systems wifh a design capacify of 3,000 gallons per day or <br />mote and package ttrsatmenf planfs for sanitary sewage disposal are expressly <br />prohlbifed Fn the AR distrkts and Rural i3uif+erDistricis asshown in the adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan exceptas maybe approveiffhrough a Special Use Permit <br />or a Planned Development DisMcf. <br />in consultation with the Attorney's office, staff has determined that there is a major issue <br />w~h respect to the County developing a land use requiring the issuance of a SUP. <br />Speaficafiy, the issues are: <br />1. There is a concern over the need to make certain findings of fact during <br />the review of a SUP project, speaficaliy that the responsible board has <br />made an impartial decision. Recent court cases have questioned the <br />legal ability of a governing body m issue itself a SUP as there is a <br />conc~m over the ability of the members to make an unbiased decision on <br />the evidence presented at tfiequasi-judical hearing, <br />2 From a practical standpoint the BOCC and the Board of Adjustment, the <br />two (2j boards that are responsible for reviewing and approving SUP <br />projects, are opened up to critiasm on their ability to conduk~ a fair <br />hearing acid render an impartial decision due to the Courrty, or a County <br />department, being the applicant, <br />3. The incestuous nature of the SUP permitting process creates a legal <br />conundrum that is ha~tng to be corrected State wkle. <br />In an effort to address this problem, staff is proposing the following: <br />1. Amending Section 6.20.9 to clarity that County projects are not required <br />to obtain a SUP when a large ground absorption septic system, or a <br />package treatment plant, is proposed to support a proposed land use <br />Staff does not believe the County ever intended for public projects to obtain a SUP •weere <br />a large ground absorption system was proposed. Through this amendment the County <br />avoids the legal conundrum of having to review, act upon, and approve County projects- <br />fhroughthe quasi judicial prodess. - •, <br />tt should be noted the proposes change will not affect a property owner's ability to develop a <br />ground absorption system that has a design capacity over 3,000 gallons per day within the <br />Agricultural Residenfrai (AR) a Rural Buffer (RBj zoning d'~stricts upon issuance of a Speaat <br />Use Permit or Planned Deveioprnent approval. The amendment will, however, nat require <br />the Countyto obtain such approvals. <br />This amendment is necessaryto address ~ permitting and approval of County projects due <br />to recent changes in State regulations. - <br />