Orange County NC Website
Cn - I,C KeRtl1T_c - RnRr:rAt ~ticn s~axft~4t •xrla n.,,+hty <br />. !~ <br />tatrdltions Is not a delegation of the tegEdaHva pourer to make law. •l~alprzsnx sreaa~ . <br />t~A0tV0'fir8 e~ <br />lt>:ai~leotEs <br />i. Fluntcipai Corporations; 30.8 {11CI3d) -- sanitary landfi# -- summary3udgmerrt under prior ordinance » efEe¢t op <br />action under amended ordinance <br />An tmappeakd, sunsmary judymertt in 1988 dedaring Meddanburg Caurrtq`s 19BS landfill zoning ordEnarxe urx;onohal was not <br />dispositive Of this Case wharf Macldanburg CottRij- sought and obtained a sanitary IandflU special use permit; the i9t18 judgment <br />estab6stsed, trt „ that plainttfl~ were deprhred of their due process rights because the Meckenburg County Board of <br />Corra»is6toners could not bean impdrifai tribunal vrftfs regard to ti-s s:pacis! uae pst7nlt appAcaUon ty MecWanburg County and that <br />lieckienburg County had failed to offer competent, material, and substartE3al evidence tp meet some ~ the required findings of the <br />old ordinance; U1e 1965 spedal tsse permit was dedatacf null and void and Cleo judgmarst warn on to [***3] say t4tatthe <br />torrunissfonen; wouM bs: required toamend the zonlr~ ordlrtarrce b~ora taking fltrllseradion r~a-•ding the tandfiN; rirat}rrdgment <br />was not appealed; Mecldertburg County amended its apnktg ordinance; and plainlsf<s now cornend that the unappealed 3 August 1988 <br />jud~ndnt predudas the aeddertbttng county Board of Commissioners from otttalnhtg a pd•m1E undar• ttte ordlnp~e as amended. The <br />1988 }udgm~st is birrdktg only as to the procedure under the ordtrtarsx•as it gsdsted prior to the 1989 amendrnenls, the amrndrrtersts <br />followed the dL~tlves of the 1988 judgment, and Cite fact that 4lse 1968 judgmerR held that the County had failed to make a sufFfciertt <br />showing to support the flrtdings of eomp[Eance with lice leiten-effective stele r8gu(atlans hes'no bearfng upon the 1994 permit <br />applicatron. , <br />2. lwiunicipai Corporations §30.1(tiCl3d} -- zonlrrg -sanitary landfill - administrative caning decisfoq <br />A ptovisiart of the amended Meddenburg IandNii coning ordhsance ~ncerrsing approval oP permkepplicatlons by the Charlotte- <br />idecidenburg zoning Administrator is fadally constllutMnal becatwe the conditions whidt must be met prior t>Q issuance of a petrtrft are <br />objedlve atar+darcfs tHfstoh can {**~*3] reasonably be applied by dre 2onErtg AdrrttrrFstretor wtltr.tlre as~tance of the Dlrrceor of <br />Errgineetirtig ff necessary. iNhettter the derision bo permit a sartltary larulflll should be characterized as quasi-nxiidal or an ' , <br />administrative zoning decision was critical, slice the derision was made by fire zonktg Adrttinistralor abne, without following the <br />manda6e for a fiAt evidentSary hearing, it carx-ot stand es a quest-judfdal deris~ort but eompMartae with alt fair Maf standards is not <br />requited for administrative zoning dettsions. <br />8. iNunictpat Corporations §30.1([ZCI3dj -zoning -- sanitary landfill application by c+orrrrty -- no bppermist:ibis wrsAlct, <br />of interest . <br />Ttsere was nb tmper-ni~ble ODMtct of It-terast where Pler3dertburg County appfled fur a tand(ltl perrntt tD the Qharfotie-MerJdenbucg <br />Zoning Administrator, The applicant is Meeidenburg County almre while the zarting adirttnistratar is the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Toning <br />AdministraWr and >s invWved with administration of zoning for Maddertbrxg County and ~c munidpafities within the county. While due <br />pt'oress r+equtres an hnpaiGat decEslorxrralcer and an elected aRiciaf with a direct and substarrtiai finanda[ interest in a xarttrtg <br />dedston (*¢*4] may not parttcipabe fn making legislative zoning dedsians, these considerations are less 16ce1y do oomC ante play <br />when administtatlve zoning dedsions are made since theme imrolve the determination of ol>jedtve facts wlthput art elemerft of <br />dtsattton. Further, the zoning enabling stattrbas protride firr a de nova hearing before rite board of adjustment. Absent a showing of <br />undue influence, the fact that an applicagnn is made by an employing un3 of govemmertt dtres not to and ~ itself constiprte <br />Impermiasible bias tar administrative zoning deristats. <br />;; ^rr ~t • Waggovrar Hamrick Haste 1tJwtIB/Fh Kreit ~ MtDanne!!, by JohJr N. Jlasty 8nd G. J3ryars Adorns, 717, for aJJ platntlJ~ <br />appeJiarrts other than UrrJon•eaun(y; and Sanford t, Stesfman, ?r., Jbr pfaJrrtffKappeJlant tlnton Courtly.' <br />Ruff; So»d, Cobb, Wads & MciVaJr, byl'a»ASS D. Cobb, lion' aN daRsndarJt~apWeliees other than Robed Brandon; and Srnlth Helms Mu!liss <br />t# Nroorss, 6Y H. t~ndis VYadq 3r., tordefendant aPF~e Robert Braraion_ . <br />n as e• A9eyer. 3ttstlce. <br />OPINION 8Yr MEYER <br />of>z~irol~ <br />{#498] [**ti47i Foifowing the entry on 3 August 1968 of a ,$rdpment by Snapp, 3., let the Superior Court, Medefertburg County, <br />that dedatttd Meddenbtrrg Oonnty's 1985 fartdflil zonktg ordinance [+**S] un>xnsfiwtitxtat, Meckenburg County, on 1 May 1989, , <br />amended its zonktg ordksanoe, whkh in etFea adoptRd a r1BYV, 1969 lar>dfld zoning ordktanoe. Mecklenburg Cotmty suttsequ~9y <br />petitioned deferxiarli Robert L Brandon !ar a sanitary fandRli permit under the 3989 IatldfRi ordtrtanca. befertdartt Brandon is, and was <br />at the time the peddon was tiled, the Charlotte-Meckienlwrg Z.arring Administtator- <br />Platntiffsbrought this adios fbr dettaratory ~rdgtnertt pursrnutt to b .6. G6 -4 +'~ b0 -267 and Rule 5?' of the #lortf t Caroline Rules <br />of Clot) Praaed~rre to determine the vaYdity and rorts~rrtiotsality C*~+99], of the 1989 orctnanoe. Answers wars ibed by the parties, <br />and jofrn morons for surrsmary judgmast and judgment upon the pleadings were filed by a8 parties. These motions were fseard betvre <br />Fulton, 7., Resident Supeettor Court 3udge 1br MscSctenburg County, on 26 Marls i99t1, Sub~querrtiy, on ZO december 5990, fudge <br />FuttOn Issued a memorandum oP~rdprnent and tftereatter, an 1Y 3arnary 1991, Bntxrred jlydgmESlt gtantittg Summary judgment in <br />Pavoraf plakttltfs and dedarirtg fire 1989 Mecidet~urg Courtly inning ardinante unconsGtutkxtal. Defersdants appear to the Court of <br />Appeak, and that ['~*+6] court, orr 7 July 1992, rendered tts decision reversing the superior bow~t. <br /> m~8SaUc53SU04351da7'elceb95efa069a5&docni3..,.. 3/6P200$ <br />